Chapter Eighteen

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*Jinsol's POV*

When I saw the high hopes in Jungeun's eyes, there was no way for me to say not o her offer. So, I agreed to meet her parents. 

But, if I said that I wasn't worried about it at all, then I'd be lying. So, as me and Sooyoung were walking back from Jungeun and Jiwoo's apartment, I kept quiet, thinking about what was going to happen next weekend.

"It's not as scary as you think it is, you know?"- Sooyoung suddenly said, which made me look at her.


"Meeting her parents: it won't be that scary. Actually, judging by the way she describes them, it won't be scary at all. I know that you're comparing everyone to your parents, Jinsol, so just understand that not every parent is a shitty person, some are actually supportive"- she continued.

"Ah, really, Ha Sooyoung, you read me like a book, don't you?"- I said as I felt a smile creeping up on my face. 

"Of course I do, that's what makes me your best friend"- she said and, suddenly stopped right in her tracks. 

"Huh? why'd you stop?"- I said and realized that she was looking at something, so I followed her eyes and saw no one else but my coworker, Choi Yerim, walking hand in hand with a girl who I could only assume was her girlfriend that I had mentioned before. I was about to call her name when I was surprisingly beaten to it. 

"Yah! Im Yeojin!"- Sooyoung suddenly called out an unknown name and Yerim and her girlfriend both looked in our direction, Yerim now noticing me. 

"Jinsol unnie?"- she said as she came closer. 

"Sooyoung unnie?"- the girl who was apparently called Yeojin said to Sooyoung. 

"Wait, this is confusing, why do we just randomly know each other?"- I asked. 

"Well, Yeojin here is Haseul's younger sister. I didn't know that she has a girlfriend who you know, Jinsol"- Sooyoung said as she looked at Yerim- "I'm Ha Sooyoung, Jinsol's best friend, and Haseul's old college roommate, nice to meet you".

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Choi Yerim. Me and Jinsol unnie work in the same office and even sit next to each other, that's why I know her. I didn't realize that her best friend would know Haseul unnie"- Yerim replied. 

"I didn't expect to meet you at all, Sooyoung unnie. I haven't seen you since you and my sister graduated from college"- Yeojin said-" by the way, you're the Jung Jinsol Yerim's been mentioning so often, right? I'm Im Yeojin, Haseu's younger sister and Yerim's girlfriend"- the shorter girl said and I noticed Yerim's slight excitement when she used the word girlfriend. 

"Oh? do I really get mentioned that frequently? that's surprising. But, in any case, it's nice to meet you. Also, I thought Haseul's last name was Jo? or am I mistaken?"- I asked, realizing that their last names were not the same. 

"Oh, no, you're right, we just don't have the same fathers, so that's the secret behind different last names"- Yeojin replied and I simply nodded in understatement. 

"Well, it was nice to run into you. It felt like I entered a time machine, but it was nice"- Sooyoung said to Yeojin-" I've accidentally reconnected with Haseul, so you might be seeing me more frequently. Also, it was nice to meet you, Yerim. Now, I don't want to seem nice but I'm a little hungover because I had to spend most of yesterday's night at a bar and Jinsol is even worse, so we're going to take our leave". 

"Ah, hungover. You never change, Sooyoung unnie. But, it was nice to see you too".

"Bye-bye, Jinsol unnie, I'll see you on Monday"- Yerim said and then politely nodded to Sooyoung. 

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