Chapter Twenty Five

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*Jungeun's POV*

My mornings are usually pretty similar every day, but one tiny difference occurred today when I was waiting for the bus. I got a call from Jinsol, which was weird since she usually only texts in the morning because she's short on time.

"What's with the sudden call?"- I asked when I picked up.

"Good morning to you, too, Jungie. Can't I call my girlfriend sometimes?"- she replied.

"Of course you can, but you're going to be late to work".

"Nope, I'll be on time, it's fine. I'm calling to ask whether or not you can come over today, after work? I have something I want to talk about".

"Something you want to talk about? is everything alright, Sol?"

"Don't worry, everything is okay. Just come tonight, will you?".

"Of course, I'll come right after work".

"Okay then. I'll text you during the break, I gotta go now. Love you".

"Bye, love you too"- I said and she then ended the call. Her saying that she had something to talk about slightly worried me, but I decided not to mind it much.

"What's up?"- Jiwoo asked and broke me out from my thoughts as we were getting on the bus.

"Jinsol called and asked me to come over tonight, saying that she has something to talk about. I have no idea what she wants to discuss, though. She said that everything is okay but I'm a little worried"- I said and looked at Jiwoo, who looked very calm. Almost unbelievably calm.

"Ah, well, I'm sure it's nothing too serious. Don't stress it for too much, you'll find out eventually"- she replied and something was telling me that she knew more than I did.

"Did Sooyoung tell you something that I don't know?"- I asked.

"Why would Sooyoung tell me something about Jinsol?"- Jiwoo replied with a question of her own.

"Maybe they needed your opinion something, maybe it concerned me"- I replied.

"Jungeun, I assure you, Sooyoung would never just spill Jinsol's secrets to me and Jinsol would most probably not tell me before telling you either. Sure, we're friends, we've gotten pretty close, but I'm not as close as Sooyoung and definitely not as close as you. You're just stressing, I don't know anything"- Jiwoo replied extremely quickly, not leaving me enough time to even catch up or reply. Before I could realize what she said, she nudged me and said:

"Come on, it's your stop, get off. Text me and let me know if you'll be coming home. I might just visit Sooyoung tonight too if you won't come"- she said as she almost pushed me off the bus before I could even reply. I was a little shocked by her behavior, but there wasn't much that I could do since she was already far away, so I decided to shake it off and go to work.


"Oh my god, do you even know what you're talking about?"- Hyejoo said to Sooyoung as we were coming back from lunch, almost screaming.

"Keep your tone down, gremlin, you're being rude to your senior"- Sooyoung replied as she jokingly nudged the younger girl.

"Oh my god, you guys just bring so much chaos. How much can you argue about doughnut flavors?"- Heejin asked as she put her hand on her forehead, acting like the mature one in the situation. Heejin, Sooyoung, and Hyejoo were in front, while me and Hyunjin were a little behind. Hyunjin is usually either very talkative or not talkative at all, with no in-between. Nevertheless of her "weird" personality, she's a very comfortable person to be around. I can't imagine someone feeling unsafe or bad around her, because her energy is enough to make you calm down.

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