Chapter Twenty

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*Sooyoung's POV*

Going to sleep the night before is always nice when I know that the first thing I'll be seeing in the morning is Jiwoo. I went to sleep with these expectations last night as well, but what I didn't know was that when I'd be all alone in bed when I'd wake up.

At first, I thought that I was hallucinating. I hazily opened my eyes as I looked around for Jiwoo, but she was clearly not there anymore. Her clothes were also gone, meaning that she was not in the bathroom either. I realized that this was probably because she was very excited about being with her parents for almost the entire weekend. The childlike excitement that I saw in my girlfriend's eyes for the entirety of us being here made me feel warm and happier than ever before. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of her rushing downstairs to her parents the first thing after waking up just like she probably did when she was a little girl. I spent at least ten minutes not wanting to get up, then realized that it was probably time for me to get down and have breakfast since Mr. and Mrs. Kim had promised to make something special in the morning. Even though I was still sleepy, I forced myself to get up and change into more presentable clothes, then head downstairs.

The moment I entered the kitchen, I was greeted by Jiwoo's mother:

"You're awake, Sooyoung, good morning!".

"Good morning, Mrs. Kim. Where is Jiwoo?"- I asked as I searched for my girlfriend.

"She's outside with her dad, they went to grab some things from the store. She'll be back soon, don't miss her too much"- the woman replied to me with a cheeky smile, which made my cheeks slightly heat up.

The moment I arrived, I realized two things:

1) Jiwoo is a lot like her parents. Like, a LOT.

2) Jiwoo's parents are just energetic and positive as her. Actually, they might even be more extreme than Jiwoo.

Though I myself have never been active or positive, being around Jiwoo always made me feel nice, and her parents were no different. There are some people whose energy captures you as a whole and makes you feel better, and the Kim family was full of people like that. As I was in my thoughts, I heard the kitchen door open, so I looked back.

"Sooyoungie! you're awake!"- Jiwoo said as she placed the bags full of products that she had brought on the table and came up to me.

"Good morning, Jiwooming"- I would usually say "good morning, baby" but I assumed that this would be too much around her parents. So, I went for the less embarrassing version.

"Rise and shine, Sooyoung!"- Jiwoo's dad said to me as he also placed another bag full of products on the table- "you're about to eat the tastiest waffles you've ever had in your life".

"Oh my god, I knew it, this is not a drill, you're actually making waffles!"- Jiwoo squealed in happiness, and I was slightly confused.

"I'm sorry, what's so special about waffles?"- I asked and the whole family collectively scoffed.

"Well, generally, waffles are pretty normal..."- Jiwoo's mom began to explain.

"Yeah, generally, mom, but our waffles are nothing close to generic"- Jiwoo said, seemingly a little offended by my question.

"Jiwoo is right: our waffles are unique. You see, Sooyoung, we make them by a recipe that belonged to my great-grandmother. She was a very odd woman, but she surely knew how to make her pancakes. They're the best thing you're ever going to eat"- Jiwoo's dad continued and, then came closer to my ear- "if you're lucky and put a ring on my daughter in the future, then maybe you'll be able to get the recipe for yourself too. We pass it down to generations"- this last bit made my cheeks heat up, but I decided to act like I didn't notice. Mr.Kim simply smiled at me getting all flustered and went up to his wife, while Jiwoo returned back to my side and sat down beside me.

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