Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: okay friends, I want you all to be aware of the fact that this chapter will be like a little rewind of time, it will be showing Jungeun's perspective of everything that happened after she left Jeongyeon and Nayeon's house. 







I spent a little too much time at Nayeon and Jeongyeon's house since it was already pretty late when I finally decided to go home. 

"Jungeun, it's okay if you want to stay over, we have space"- Nayeon said to me as I was beginning to leave. 

"No, unnie, it's alright, you've already done more than enough for me. I'm feeling much better now thanks to both of you, and the surprisingly delicious tteokbokki that you made. It's about time I headed back home anyway, Jiwoo will be worried. And, also, I feel like I need to sleep in my own bed tonight, just for the sake of comfort"- I replied. 

"Well, I'm still going to drive you. It's too late, I can't let you walk around in the streets all alone"- Jeongyeon said to me as she grabbed her car keys. I knew that escaping her was impossible, so I simply complied. 

"Thank you so much, Nayeon unnie, I really appreciate everything you did for me today"- I said as I was already at the doorstep. 

"It's nothing, Jungeun. As I said, I'm your supervisor, so I might as well look after you outside work while I'm at it. But, if you feel bad again, contact me immediately, I'll help with what I can"- she said and I couldn't help but feel my heart warming up from listening to her words. 

"I'll be back soon babe"- Jeongyeon said to Nayeon as we left the apartment, and then we proceeded to walk down to the car. The ride was pretty quiet, with only city pop music playing. Before I knew it, we had already arrived at my building". 

"Jeongyeon unnie, I can't thank you enough"- I began expressing my gratitude once again but was quickly cut off by her. 

"Jungeun, I really did the bare minimum. I'd be heartless if I saw you crying on a train and just walked away as if nothing had happened. I'd try to talk to you even if you were a complete stranger, and you being Nayeon's coworker made everything even more serious"- she said. 

"Ah, well then, I'll be heading home. Thanks for driving me back and forth"- I said as I began to walk towards the door, but, just as I was about to open it, I heard Jeongyeon's voice coming from behind. 

"Jungeun!"- she said and I turned around. 


"I know it isn't my place, but... the girl that everything happened with... if she ever comes back to you and asks for forgiveness, please don't reject her"- she suddenly said to me and I was pretty surprised. 

"What- why?"- I asked. 

"Well, I don't know how to say this well, but I can't help but get reminded of myself when I was in the same situation with Nayeon years ago. And yet, look at us today: the only thing that differentiates us from married couples is the fact that we're missing an official marriage certificate. Sometimes, people get confused, but that doesn't mean that they can't change their mind"- she said and looked at me, then turned around and walked back to her car. She waved at me, before turning her car and driving away. I stood for a little bit, trying to process what she had just told me, but then decided to go home. 

When I arrived, Jiwoo wasn't back yet. I changed into comfortable clothes and flopped down on the couch, not knowing what to feel: the unexpected visit I paid to Nayeon and Jeongyeon did certainly make me feel better since I wasn't a weeping mess anymore, but that didn't necessarily mean that I was feeling well. My heart was still aching from what had happened. I couldn't help but think back to how everything was going so well until the moment I started that god-forsaken conversation. That might just have been the best date of my life, and yet it ended in the worst way possible. As I was about to spiral into chaotic thoughts, I heard the door unlocking. She probably saw my shoes at the door, because the moment she entered, I heard her loud voice coming from the hallway: 

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