Chapter Two

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A/N: Okay so this chapter will include something like se@ual harassment. I'm not sure if it counts as something like that since it's literally nothing graphic and doesn't spread for more than one small paragraph in total but I'm still putting a warning in case it's triggering to some people. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter<3


The bus drive back to my apartment was pretty normal, aside from the fact that my mind was practically fully occupied by a certain girl that I had run into in the library. I would be lying if I said that she didn't leave a very good impression on me. She just seemed so sweet and was also VERY attractive. She might even be the prettiest girl I have ever met. For a moment, I even felt a little pathetic, because I couldn't believe that I had been affected so much by an encounter that had lasted for not more than ten minutes. It was entirely possible that I wouldn't run into her ever again. 

But, I hoped that I would. 

I was so deep in my thoughts that I almost missed my stop. Luckily, I received a text from Jiwoo just in time and was broken out from the trance. I quickly exited the bus and walked for not more than five minutes, and then arrived at our apartment building. It took only a minute in the elevator and I was finally at the doorstep, unlocking the door. The moment I closed it behind me and started taking off my shoes, I heard Jiwoo's voice coming from the kitchen:

"Hey, Jungeun, is that you?"

"Who else would it be, Jiwoo?"- I asked in a jokingly manner.

"I don't know, a burglar? maybe an ex-partner of yours that still hasn't gotten over you? could be anyone, really"- she replied in an equally teasing way.

"Oh, come on now, which ex of mine is still not over me?"- I asked as I was walking towards the bathroom in order to wash my hands.

"I could name a few. But that doesn't really matter now, please wash your hands and change quickly so we can eat, I'm starving!"- she said and I heard plates clattering in the kitchen, which meant that she was probably setting the table. Jiwoo is the one who cooks because A) I'm shit at cooking and B) she comes home earlier than me. She's pretty good at it, actually. Or, it could also be that I'm simply used to it, but it doesn't really matter. 

I had finally changed into home clothes and walked into the kitchen, being met by Jiwoo who was already sitting at the table and waiting for me. She was dressed in fluffy clothes, looking like a small child because of her tiny physique. She had already set everything, so I didn't hesitate to sit down and start eating. 

"Well, good evening to you, Jiwooming"- I said as I started munching down on the rice that was set in front of me. 

"Good evening to you too, Jungie. Why were you late? Did you spend your whole evening at the library again?"- she asked and also began to eat. 

"You know the answer to that question"- I replied, which caused her to chuckle. 

"Ah, Kim Jungeun, you never change. I thought that your book obsession would fade away with age but, boy, was I wrong. You somehow manage to fit it into every part of your schedule". 

"You're talking about it as if it's a bad thing. It's not like I'm doing drugs or anything"- I replied, slightly offended. 

"Hey, I'm not saying it's bad. I'm just pointing out that it's odd that you still manage to keep up with this hobby even when you have a full-time office job. I might even go ahead and say that it's inspiring"- she said and smiled-"but, enough about that, how was your day? Anything interesting that happened?".

"Well... nothing new at work, of course. I was slightly scolded by Nayeon-unnie today, as she caught me dozing off, but you know how she is: she's never too hard on anyone. Honestly, I'm glad to have her as my supervisor. Aside from that, I gave the book that I finished to Haseul today and she gave me another recommendation, this time it's a romance book"- I said and this made Jiwoo immediately look up at me. 

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