Chapter Twenty Six

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TW: This chapter will include some homophobia, I don't think I will be using any extremely offensive words but, still, homophobia will be there, so beware.

*Third Person POV*

As much as Jinsol didn't want it to be this way, time flew quicker than ever before and it was already Saturday. Though she told her that it wasn't necessary, Jungeun still insisted on staying over on Friday, just to keep Jinsol calm. Jinsol did say that she didn't need it, but she was still thankful that Jungeun was as stubborn as usual and finally got what she wanted. Being in her arms was always relaxing and waking up next to her was even better than that. It was almost like she didn't have to face her toxic parents in a few hours and do something that would, most probably, change her whole life and take her in a different direction. 

Jungeun decided to make her infamous french toast, which made Jinsol's heart flutter even more since she saw the amount of effort Jungeun was putting into making her feel better. As she watched her girlfriend looking busier than ever in front of the pan, she could have sworn that there was nothing more important than Kim Jungeun. This only gave her more confidence to face her parents. Jinsol was, for the first time in her life, in love. And it wasn't just superficial, she had fallen deep enough for her to be changing, for the better. The moment she went against her fears and ignored them for once, she found happiness. She wasn't planning to go back to the state of comfortable misery that she had gotten so used to throughout her whole life. So, she promised herself that no matter what her parents said, no matter what they tried, she would do what had to be done. There was no way back now. 

After they had breakfast and spent some time embracing each other yet again, Jinsol's phone buzzed, and it ended up being her brother, who was informing her that he was already in front of her building, waiting. So, she didn't waste any time and, as much as she wanted to stay in Jungeun's arms forever, she actually got up and got dressed, exiting the building hand in hand with her girlfriend as she saw a familiar figure standing beside a small but nice car. 

Her brother was always deemed as the attractive type by other girls and always had lots of them falling for him, but he never let it get to his head, which Jinsol appreciated a lot. It was true that none of his relationships lasted for longer than a month, maybe a little more, but Jinsol never saw him as a womanizer, simply because he wasn't one. He was just unlucky, and his sister always thought that he deserved a girl that would truly love him for who he is.

His cutting their parents off was, as Jinsoul has always thought, the most unexpected and bold move anyone could make. They were just as toxic to him as they were to her, always making sure to criticize his every step. What they especially didn't like was his career choice, which was graphic design, and it happened to be the last drop for him too. He patiently waited until college was over and then, the moment he got the chance, he went off at them and left home, moving away to live alone with his friend. Though he was far away and her parents tried to make sure he never contacted her, he still found a way to talk to Jinsol, quite frequently. They were never too close, simply because they weren't too good at showing their feelings, but they always had each other's backs and understood one another without having to say a word. Jinsol has always thought that, even if everyone turns their backs on her, her brother will always be there. He thinks the same about her, too. So, seeing him for the first time after a few months (they had met up in a cafe a while ago, just to catch up on how Jinsol was doing while she was living alone) made her feel a little sentimental.

"Good morning"- he said to Jungeun and Jinsol as he noticed them approaching the car-" so, you must be the Jungeun that my sister mentions so frequently. It's so nice to meet you, finally"- after this, he did a slight bow. 

"Ah, you're being weird"- Jinsol said as she slightly punched him-" don't you dare flirt with my girlfriend".

"I'm not flirting with your girlfriend, I'm being polite"- he said with a slightly whiny voice, and Jungeun couldn't help but smile at the sight of the two siblings bickering. 

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