Chapter Twelve

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We took a few more rides which were, as Jinsol promised, calm and not scary at all. So much so that I managed to get my mind off the sheer horror that I went through while we were on the Gyro swing. After this, when we were both tired and hungry, we decided to go and grab a bite. 

"Where should we eat?"- Jinsol asked when we were walking down the street. 

"We're both working office jobs, Jinsol, it's not like we have huge salaries, so there aren't really many places from which we can choose from"- I said with a chuckle. 

"Well, you're right about that. What's something that is both romantic and simple?"- she said and looked at me. 

"Hmmm... this will sound weird, but instant ramen"- I said and looked at her and saw her eyes widen from hearing my answer. 

"You think that instant ramen is romantic?"- she asked with a clearly confused expression. 

"If you eat it with the right person and in the right moment, then yes, it is". 

"Well, at this point I'm just curious. But, fine, let's get ourselves some instant ramen"- she said.

When we purchased our romantic dinner, which was instant ramen and water, we headed over to a more or less empty park and sat down on a bench. 

"You might have a point, this really does feel somewhat romantic"- Jinsol said when she was done. 

"Right? there's something special about it. Eating at a cafe or a fancy restaurant is nice, of course, but it doesn't feel private at all. Something like this, however, feels intimate. It's cheap, but makes you feel closer than any expensive full course meal ever could"- I replied. 

"But if you do this too often, you'll have guaranteed stomach problems"- she said and I answered with a nudge, which made her giggle- "yah, I'm just joking, don't be so aggressive"- when she said this I decided to look up at her in order to reply, but my thoughts got cut short when our eyes met, and I realized that our faces were close. Very close. 

I suddenly felt her hand reaching for mine and our fingers intertwined. Without taking her eyes off of mine, she kept getting closer. At last, when we were so near that  our noses were touching, she said to me in what sounded like a whisper: 

"Jungeun, have I ever told you that you might be the most beautiful person I've ever met?"

I wanted to reply but was again cut short by her lips crashing with mine. Her lips were softer than ever. They fit perfectly with mine, almost as if they were meant to meet with mine at some point in life. I could feel her other hand on my waist and, without thinking, I put mine on her shoulder, then on her neck, in order to get her closer. The one kiss soon turned into many more, neither one of us wanting to let go. The moment felt magical, unreal, almost as if it had fallen straight out of a romance book, making my heart race with every single touch. 

But, as I've said before, I'm not Kim Jungeun if I don't ruin something good with my anxious thoughts.

I realized that I had completely forgotten about the fact that I wanted to talk to her about something important. I got carried away. That is the one thing that I consider dangerous about Jung Jinsol: No matter how focused I might be, she still somehow finds a way to steal me away from the real world. The only thing that manages to bring me back is my own nervousness. And this time was no different either.

I decided to be the one who broke the kiss. I opened my eyes and looked into hers once more. Those eyes were of a slightly dark color, but still somehow managed to seem like stars to me. I was falling harder and harder with every minute. If all of this is not meant to go on, then I'll have to quit as quickly as possible. 

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