Chapter Five

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The train ride turned out to be longer than I thought it would be, which made me question where we were going multiple times. 

"Jinsol,  does it really have to be a secret?"- I asked the girl who was standing in front of me. 

"Yes, it does. It's not something too special, but I have a feeling that it will be really fun"- she replied, and I stopped to think for a moment and then asked: 

"Is it a bookstore?"- this made Jinsol burst into laughter. 

"Jungeun, we always meet in the library, don't you think that a change of surroundings would serve us better?"- she said after she stopped laughing, but was still slightly giggling. 

"Ah, stop laughing at me, I just said the first thing that came to my mind!"- I replied, but couldn't help but smile as well. 

"Fine, fine... oh! this is our stop"- she suddenly said as the doors opened, grabbed my hand, and dragged me outside, leading me to the escalator.  I couldn't stop myself from feeling flustered by the fact that she was holding my hand, and I also couldn't stop thinking about how I was acting like a high schooler being confessed to by her crush. Before I knew it, our hands had adjusted into a more comfortable position, and we were now holding on to one another as if we were an actual couple. 

We reached the top of the escalator and stepped outside, after which she dragged me along once again, leading me into a building that I have never been to. We went through the door and, right in front of my eyes, I saw a huge ice rink. 

"Oh my god"- I said as I stood and looked around. I had never been to an ice rink this big before, even though I used to visit smaller ones when I was younger. I wasn't a pro at skating, but at least I could stand without falling. 

"Well? do you like it?"- Jinsol asked as she looked at me, her face once again covered by a wide grin, and at this moment I realized that I would really follow Jinsol anywhere, even if it was to the end of the world. 

"Yes. I do. I like it a lot. I don't even remember the last time I was at an ice rink, let alone one this big"- I replied.

"Do you remember how to skate? or will I have to drag you around?"- she teased me, to which I replied with a slight nudge on her shoulder. 

"I wouldn't let you drag me along even if I didn't know how to skate at all, Jung Jinsol. But, I do remember a bit, so I'll be fine". 

"Okay, then, tell me your shoe size so that I can go and grab some skates for us. But, for that, you're going to have to let me go"- she said and looked down, which made me realize that we had been holding hands ever since we left the train. Hesitantly, I let her go, and told her what she wanted to know, so she ran off and returned with two pairs of skates in a few minutes: 

"The red ones are yours. They'll match your lipstick well"- she said as she handed me a pair of bright red skates.

"Why did you pick blue for yourself?"- I asked as I noticed her shiny blue skates. 

"It's my favorite color. Have I not mentioned that before?"- she replied as she was putting them on. 

"Nope, but I'll remember from now on. Wanna guess my favorite color?"

"Hmm... red?"

"It's obvious, isn't it?"- I said and we both giggled. 

"It is, actually, but you don't look like you mind it. Well, shall we get on the rink?"- she said as she stood up and held out her hand for me to grab on.

"Are you that eager to hold hands with me again, miss Jung?"- I tried to tease her, but was met with an unexpected response from the taller girl:

"Actually, I am. Care to grant me my wish?". 

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