Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: Okay friends this one starts after a three-month time skip, so keep that in mind.

*Jungeun's POV* 

When it is not being a total bitch, even the life of an office worker who doesn't get paid enough is not too miserable.

So far, my life had been doing well. Actually, I might even say that everything's been going too well, almost suspiciously well. I sometimes catch myself thinking that something bad is about to happen and this is just the calm before the storm, but I always try to shake those thoughts off for good. Luckily, I have lots of things to focus my attention on to avoid the anxiety that always follows me. And one of those things happens to be my girlfriend. 

Me and Jinsol have been doing extremely well. It's almost like the rejection that happened three months ago was a fever dream because our relationship was stepping further and further with each passing day and I did not feel even for once that the decision that I made in the past was incorrect. In fact, I'm thankful for it. 

Jinsol and I have been meeting up more frequently than ever before. I didn't even realize that I somehow managed to fit her into every part of my schedule. Sometimes her work did intervene with our peaceful existence, but aside from that, we practically spent most of the time together. So much so that even my usual visit to the library soon began to include her: whenever she had time, we would head over to the library together and pick out books for one another, testing whether or not we could match each other's tastes. The books that Jinsol picks out for me are always extremely good. In my case, even though she always says that she likes them, I frequently get the feeling that she lies just to please me. But, whenever I ask her about it, she quickly denies the accusation, saying that she would never lie to me, especially when it comes to books.

Another frequent occurrence in our lives is double dates with no one else but  Jiwoo and Sooyoung themselves. Since we all get along pretty well, these dates are always very fun. I have also noticed that because of our frequent meetings outside of work, me and Sooyoung have become even closer than before, so much so that we even whine to one another about the things in our relationships that sometimes tick us off. 

"Jinsol is adorable, you know I think so, but sometimes I just wish that she didn't stay up until 6 AM building lego figures, which later results in her oversleeping and being late to wherever we were going"- I said to Sooyoung once as we were sitting at our desks and procrastinating.

"Oh, yeah, I don't think you'll ever be able to get rid of that habit, she's been doing that ever since we were in middle school. No way to turn back now"- Sooyoung replied. 

"Well, as long as it makes her happy, I can deal with it". 

"Ah, so very sweet, I can't believe that someone actually managed to warm that heart of yours and that someone being my best friend makes things even more shocking"- Sooyoung said with a playful smile and I nudged her.

"Well, I didn't think that your womanizer ass would be tamed by anyone, but I guess Jiwoo has some superpowers that I wasn't aware of in the past"- I fired back and it immediately caused her to scoff. 

"I'm sorry? Me? a womanizer? the only womanizer I accept is the one by Britney Spears, Jungeun"- she replied and that made me chuckle. 

"I guess you haven't even noticed it, but the amount of girls you'd mention to me in a span of not more than a month has shocked me a lot of times. You just didn't seem like someone who'd be able to settle down with one person, but here we are: you even managed to secure an actual relationship without much drama, unlike me". 

"Hmm... alright, maybe you have a point, but still, I was never a womanizer. I never broke anyone's heart"- Sooyoung says. 

"Okay, fine, then you're just popular among women"- I say with a smirk and she just rolls her eyes. 

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