Chapter Fifteen

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*Third Person POV*

The two women stood in silence for a little while, both looking at each other, not daring to take their eyes off. At first, Jungeun thought that all of this was a hallucination, that she had been thinking about Jinsol for so long that she had lost her mind. But, the longer she stared back at the girl, the more clear it became that Jinsol was indeed real, and was indeed standing a few steps away from her. 

Jinsol, on the other hand, was not sure about anything. The moment her eyes met Jungeun's, she spiraled down a chain of anxious thoughts, not knowing what to say or where to go. She knew very well, however, that since she dared to come here and to call Jungeun's name out so loudly that the whole neighborhood probably heard her, there was no way to back down anymore. If she was able to gather to courage to do this much, then she will be able to speak to the blond girl as well, won't she? After all, she has already realized her mistake, she knows that she has to make sure that Jungeun will be by her side again. She's practically sure about everything, except for what she should say. 

The silence is unexpectedly broken by Jungeun, who tries to speak in a cold tone, but fails to cover her curiosity: 

"What are you doing here?".

Jinsol is taken aback by the fact that Jungeun spoke first. But, she also gains the courage to say something back. Anything would do, as long as Jungeun doesn't turn her back on her. 

"I wanted to see you"- she blurts out and Jungeun's face becomes even more shocked than before. 

"You wanted to see me?"- she says as she takes one step towards Jinsol, now sounding a little irritated- "I'm sorry, the last time I checked, you were the one who ended things between us, weren't you? why would you want to see me?". 

"I..."- Jinsol begins to speak as she also takes one step forward, slowly. The distance between them shrinks and she can now see Jungeun's face more clearly. She is also able to read the anger that is beginning to build upon her face, but she knows that backing down now would ruin everything- "I wanted to see you because I wanted to talk. I know I was the one who caused the previous conversation to end, I know that I'm the cause behind everything, but I just wanted to get a chance to talk to you once more, this time with a clearer mind". 

"A clearer mind, you've got to be fucking kidding me!"- Jungeun's built up anger finally erupts, as she takes a few more steps towards Jinsol quickly, which makes Jinsol want to step back, but she decides to stay in her place, just for the sake of showing her determination- "what was so unclear when we spoke for the first time? What makes this moment any different from the one we had then? Or do you need a special setting in order to make a decision? Or is it just that it takes you three to five business days to make one as if you're some kind of delivery company? which one is it, Jinsol?"- Jungeun speaks and the irritation gets stronger and stronger, so Jinsol decides to intervene: 

"I'm not going to deny the fact that I'm slow when it comes to decision making, Jungeun, but this was not the case now. I made my decision quickly, it's just that... I've been unsure about it ever since. Not once in my life have I made a serious decision and then kept thinking about it for days, but this time, everything was different. I kept contemplating about whether or not it was correct".

"Oh, so you decided to do what, glance at me once again? are you checking whether I'm worth going through the trouble or not? Jinsol, I knew we would have to meet at some point, I knew that I wouldn't be able to avoid you forever, especially when Jiwoo and Sooyoung are getting closer and closer with each passing day and you happen to be Sooyoung's best friend. But, the last thing I expected was for you to come to my house and call out my name loud enough for the whole goddamn block to hear. And, as if all of this was not bizarre enough, when asked for the reason behind this fiasco of a situation, you say that you just wanted to see me. Do you understand how insane this sounds? are you even listening to yourself?"- Jungeun wants to keep on ranting, but she's cut off by Jinsol's sudden question: 

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