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We are stars 

We glisten and glimmer in the night

Should our lights not go out

We glow

Separated from each other

Longing for the other 

We are separated and lonely

We desire companionship with our destructive flames

These melodies shouldn't sing to me now

Not now when I was so upset 

While I cry and am consumed by comfortable darkness 

They shouldn't make me so content

They shouldn't fill me with this feeling of unconditional love

This feeling frightens me 

For it could be real

Maybe the sky isn't lying to me

Maybe it's trying to tell me that though the touch of God isn't near

He hangs close to us

Guides us

Even when we aren't in vision

For my encounter with you

I felt like Cinderella

I skipped home that night skipping and happy

Telling myself I would always remember this

Shine in an expanse of sky of endless boundaries 

Echoing the thoughts of

People and places

Long gone

There, the universe writes its story

In long paragraph

Narratives from the very beginning 

Long before

Thought of existence existed

You get into your bathing suit

Nerve endings on your body are live and wired 

Dipping your feet slowly

Immersing yourself in the liquid 

The chlorine water envelops you

As you gaze at the tall palm trees swaying in the wind

Looking up to the night sky

Where stars twinkle 

Reaching endlessly from all sides

Places where scholars record their sacred information 

Or Lovers say their final goodbyes

Life is up there

It has to be 

Against the echo of this screaming machine

Keep comfort in the stars

Watch them every night 

If we talked to the universe every night

Everything would change

We would find ourselves 


To times of peace

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