To The Woods

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It's that time when all the leaves are falling

The air is getting chilly

Time of death



I look at the lights

They remind me of you

Yet our time was so short

I don't know if I will ever see you again

You seemed like my soul mate

I couldn't be sure

If God would grant me one request

I request this:That he gives me one more day with you

Until then

I watch the autumn leaves fall

Accepting the eventual tumbling of fate

I hoped that by going to the woods

I could escape this wrath

An itching pain inside my skull

Stabbing wounds into my heart

Find another place to hide for now

Maybe among animals

I wouldn't know what monsters awaited there

I would find out

I would keep running if that was what I needed to do

Until the dream would end

"The emptiness, it's so cold"

I almost fell

Because right where the meadow met the woods

An emptiness

A gap between the other side

And a voice more ghastly than the one of the sky

It seemed to scream 'Death'

It was very cold

"I wish I was still alive," said the voice

I wish I was dead

That was what I was bargaining for

As I stood near the edge I had almost fallen off

Staring into deep space

I considered once more my options

Then the sun started to rise on the horizon

Sounds grew still

The voices were quiet

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