Escape from Suburbia

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This silence is a dream

This silence is humming and quiet and all-encompassing

And dead still

Reflective, like the layers of a pond

Going deeper and deeper under the surface

Where secrets sit still that stand the test of time

As the echoes of space sound from afar

Empty and hollow yet haunting in their noise

From the chasms of death

From the world beyond the world of beyond

It almost signifies the end

When we will finally draw our last breath and breathe the sigh of humanity into the shredder

It sings of after

It sings of the time before

And the present all at once

Even the sunset outside paints a lovely hue onto the scene

Is God the Artist?

I cannot say

And her

She is reaching out in the dark but no one hears

She is lifting her hands with no one to touch

And society has abandoned her

Her efforts futile

She escaped from the land of summer's sun

And with her hair as black as night

She fled into the dark

She flew across the woods with the empty feeling in her heart

She left her regrets behind

Left all those that loved her and never looked back

And in return, they mourned her loss

The Earth is still and shining

People drive from their suburban homes

And kids waste their days away on their iPads

And people move on, searching for the future past what they already know

Getting fatter in their comforting ticks of time

She is now only a whisper in their eyes

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