The Wrath of Death

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The approaching colony 

Hand in hand

Step by step

Singing the songs of their old tribal lore

They are full of hope

Stepping into our airspace

Praying that the journey they made was not in vain

That hope lays on the horizon

What is the tireless academic supposed to do when he has read all the libraries, seen all the sights and has experienced many hardships? 

What is he supposed to feel when he wants to pass down the knowledge in his life to someone more deserving, only to find a future without a promise? Without hope?

I can't tell you what they will think when they step off that Spaceship 

After hundreds of years traveling in space, will they be comforted finding that the thing they tried to escape would become their next destination?

An eternal repeat

Tragedies replayed over and over 

And over

Tell me I need to be optimistic

But it's good to know when you are going to die

Still, I can understand the optimist's search for a future of more promise

I can feel their hope as they pack away their gold coins for their future grandchildren

Or when they give love another try

I can feel it

But I can't see it

Because you are already gone, and it was never meant to last

These arms that reach for your body will never find you

You, who hid beneath my bedsheets

Sleeping in a comfort, however temporary, with tears in your eyes

Because it felt so good for you to feel loved

Spirits in remembrance dance in the shadows

The empty village echoes of their laughter

The dead had never seemed to sing so loud

They exist

Between the space of our thoughts

Haunting from the other side

In a tune of the other world

Life can never last as long as it should

Death will creep around the corner

Snatch our loved ones away

No life will be spared

The young child

The warmhearted old man

All will lay prey to his wrath 

There will never be enough time

You will try to create it in your mind

Hope for the best

While cancer robs their brain

You will sit around in your room mulling in your own problems

While they die

Once it happens

It will hit you like a thousand knives

To feel robbed once again 

We cannot keep it from its destruction

Once you feel it

You must look at life in the lighter way

Fighting back the tears that threaten to consume your heart

You must appreciate every moment while it exists

Then toss it away when it is time to leave

You must stare at death straight in the eyes

Tell it that you are not afraid

That is your job as a human

To persist even as you suffer

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