Pure Cosmic Ray

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Can you hear the chambers of the orchestra pit?

Can you see this world I live in?

With sparkly fairies

And heroes of Olympus

This is the epicenter of my mind

This is the heart inside

And dare you not tell a woman she isn't beautiful

As I have cultivated this world inside of me

And I was destined to lead this world into new beginnings

Do you see me as I stand before you?

I reflect all the colors that exist in this universe

By summoning the spirit within me

I am able to bring out the divine feminine energy that

Is only trusted by confidence in ability

I am that woman that you so much desire

Yet can't have

I can show you all the secrets and colors

For we must feel the colors to transcend

We must accept our infinite ways

To pass our way through karmic trouble

So follow me, my friend

Don't pay too much attention to my giggle

We have serious business in the world

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