Darkness Came

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Trudging along the dirt road

As the sweat drained across their backs

Across their fur

The trees were beautiful on that journey

The light shined through them to reveal the brilliant hue of their orange leaves

The wind whistled through the trees

As the sun was setting the scene

Soon dusk was settling on the scene

The slow darkening of all one can see

That exasperated sigh one breathes so late in the afternoon

It fell upon them

As nighttime progressed

A red moon rose itself eerily into the sky

Calling upon all of the nature to admire her

They were scared as they heard monster noises in the dark

But they awoke in the morning to find that their fears of being farther from their goal were not anything to be scared of at all

So they traveled off down the path nearing the fine kingdom

That glistened in the distance

Their happiness abounded

They felt so free for once

That they would finally find peace

Even if they didn't deserve it

Oh and how they skipped

They skipped for joy

Going about their way with the finest if hope in their hearts

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