Chapter 13

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I sat down on my bed, put my earbuds in, and ate my burger. I really wasn't hungry, but I needed something to get my mind off of everything. I finished my burger and just laid there, eyes closed, listening to every word. I must have fallen asleep at some point. I wake up to someone shaking my shoulder. It's Dean.

"Hey, sorry to wake you, but I wanna talk." He said. It was really hard to tell if he was calm, pissed, or upset though.

"It's ok. What's up?" I said, still somewhat upset.

"Look Alex, I'm sorry about everything you are dealing with. I wish you felt at home here with us. I know we aren't as good as your other parents but believe me, Sam is trying to be the best dad he can, and I'm trying to be the best uncle and friend I can be. I'm also sorry about the hunting stuff. We just care about you ok? We care about you too much to see you get hurt. I think part of it comes from Sam not forgiving himself for what happened to your mom. I just hate seeing you two fight."

"Dean, I don't know why I don't feel at home. You guys are great. You guys are better than my other parents. I think it's just that I feel so disconnected from you both because you're always gone and I'm always stuck here. Sam is doing a great job at being a dad. I wish I talked to him more, but we'll get there. You are already the best uncle ever. I feel like you are the first true friend I have ever had. So thank you for that. I know you guys care and that's why you don't want me to hunt. I get it. That doesn't mean that I don't want to though. Everyone in this family hunts and I feel like the outcast all over again. One question though.... Why does Sam blame himself? He didn't kill her right?"

"I see exactly where you are coming from. You and Sam should definitely just have some father-daughter talking time. Just for the record, I'm always gonna be here for you, and so is Sam. I'm happy to be your friend and uncle and I am proud to know you. The thing is, you don't have to hunt to be in this family. We love and accept you for you no matter what you do. And about your mom, Sam blames himself because he couldn't save her. He saw the thing attack her, but he couldn't get to her fast enough. He thinks that he should have gotten there quicker to save her. He just doesn't want the same thing to happen to you."

"I get it. I hate that he has all this guilt. There wasn't anything he could have done though was there?"

"No. He couldn't have done anything. Hey, tell you what, I will do my best to convince Sam to help train you. I think it should be your choice. I don't want you getting killed, but I don't want you feeling alienated either."

"Thanks Dean. Would you mind sending Sam in though? I want to talk to him."

"Of course." He said as he left my room.

Daughter of the Moose (sequel to 'Married to a Moose')Where stories live. Discover now