6. Views around the neighborhood

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WOAH! 191 in this little time!? Sweet! Anyways I'm working on a sequel to this story and you should check it out. ITs called the Battle of Dreams but that might change.BTW THX FOR ALL SUPPORT! :)

I had to homeschool Ice Cube and Woody for now. They were both smart but at my school, we were learning a new topic so I want to make sure they won't fall behind until I'm able to get them into my school.

Ice Cube was easy to understand but Woody would freak out any second but we managed to calm him down by taping his mouth shut and tied him up. I know it was a terrifying idea but me and Ice Cube got to him.

A week has passed and I was on my phone. I realized I still had Ice Water's number.
Well I checked to see if she called me and texted me.

Surprisingly, she hadn't at all even with her sister and ex missing for a week.

I didn't want to alarm Ice Cube or Woody so I told them I was going outside for a little bit.

I went to the park where I was able to see my house. IC and Woody were ok, so I called Ice Water and she picked up.

"Hey Bubble." Ice Water said to me.
"Hi Ice Water." I said. Sorry, I couldn't do the accent anymore because I keep getting red underlines and it bothers me :( "Is Ice Cube here?" "No." Ice Water said. "Ice Cube's been missing for a week now and so has my BF, Woody. I tried calling them but nobody answered."
"Did you call a search party?" I asked.
"Yes." she sobbed.
I remembered how horrible Ice Water treated IC so I hung up and blocked her in case she finds out that Ice Cube and Woody were hiding with me.

The next morning, I opened the windows to find only my new neighbor outside.

Ice Cube was in her room, sleeping. I couldn't help but smile to see how cute she looked. I decided to let Ice Cube sleep more and went to Woody's room, who still had a broom with him for self defense. Which reminded me; I went into my room, got a pillow and gently tossed it to Woody.

Woody, trying to not freak out, woke up. "Hey Woody." I tell him. "I'm going to show you and Ice Cube around the place because Match and Pencil gave me enough money to enroll you in school." Woody nodded in agreement.

In the afternoon, me, Ice Cube and Woody went out of the house and we could still see my neighbor. "Hey Bubble," Ice Cube says to me. "Me and Woody have seen this kid before, who is he." "Oh, my neighbor with the grey light blue and purple hoody, his name is Rocky but he's perfectly safe and moved in two weeks ago." I tell Ice Cube. "Safe?" Woody asks. "Yeah." I tell Woody. "This one kid at my school, Golf ball told this other kid Snowball that his brain was small and wouldn't apologize. In response, Snowball picked up Rocky, who was nearby and threw him at GB but it hit this Tennis Ball kid." "You call Rocky it?" Ice Cube asked. "Yeah." I tell Ice Cube. "Wow, I threw a rock at Rocky and he didn't respond." "He's always like that." I say. "Just smiling and doing nothing while others use him for as a tool or for their own use like SB did. I'll show you."

Me, Ice Cube and Woody walk up to Rocky's door and knock on it.

A tall, scary man in a business suit looked at us. "Uh...can we barrow Rocky?" "Sure, he's over there."  the man smiled.

"That's his dad." I tell Ice Cube and Woody, as we take Rocky with our arms. Rocky doesn't do anything so we were glad he didn't scream for help. In fact, I think he likes it. But then again, Rocky doesn't hate anything so whatever. "He's a nice man even though he left his wife and four other kids." "Oh." Ice Cube said. "I feel really bad for being quick to assume." "Yeah." Woody said. "We all jump to conclusions." I tell them. "Now watch this." I took Rocky and banged his head on Tennis Ball's door. No answer. "Oh yeah." I say. "What happened?" Ice Cube asked. I look at Woody, then at Rocky, who was still smiling with blood on his face and then at Ice Cube. "I'll talk later." I said.

We took Rocky to his house and went to view places of the town.

It was really boring to be honest but whatever.

The next day,the school called saying that Ice Cube and Woody would start school the same day as this other new kid which is in a week on Wednesday since Monday was closed and Tuesday was to get everything ready for Icy and Woody.
It was pretty obvious who this other new kid would be but I think Ice Cube and Woody are all set. Only problem is Woody will freak out any time,but we controlled that so now Woody will remain calm for most of the school hours.


Ice Cube and Woody were both presented to the teacher,Mrs. Osmosis and her class as Bubble could only watch.
As Woody mumbled,a medium woman in a suit entered the room.
"Ice Cube,Woody this is the headmaster Mrs.Edgar the principal." Mrs. Osmosis said. "Are these the new pupils?" Mrs. Edgar. Mrs.Osmosis nodded.
"Oh well the third new pupil's dad just dropped him off.But be aware because he forgot how to talk when he was 4." Mrs. Edgar said,then turned to IC and Woody. "Pleasure to meet you. I have assigned your seats yesterday. I'm afraid you will sit in the back."
Ice Cube and Woody sat in the back as some students looked at them.
"One more thing before I get the third pupil.Any sign of... Yo Yo Ball?" Mrs.Edgar asked Mrs. Osmosis,who shook her head.
"Darn. And Tennis Ball?"
"Dang. Both are good students that go missing.Well I'm going to get the other new pupil."
Mrs.Edgar left the room.
This made Ice Cube interested.

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