8. Another Runaway

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I remembered kicking Double Pencil's doll out the window when we were 5.
I remembered stealing money.
I remembered getting blamed for something I didn't do, which leads me here:

I made a video telling everybody I was gay, had feelings for Pencil Topper and announced I was committing suicide and I wasn't joking.
Once done,I got on a bus and uploaded the video to the school.
I'll be gone before they found out.
I just wished I apologized to my brothers.
I made one huge mistake with Double Pencil. Now another with my brothers.

This was the last time I would see my brothers again and our relationship will end poorly because of stupid mistakes.

So this is what depression felt.
I can't help it.
I think I'm going insane.
I did a lot of things wrong.

I looked around and saw some buildings, and people talking in the rain.
Speaking of people, I looked at my phone, and saw videos of my parents and Double Pencil.. The 6 of us were under a Xmas tree, which brought tears of joy.

Just then, Inky and Quill began calling me.
I knew they would be furious, so I hung up and blocked them. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't care if I died.
But then again, they already lost our parents and sister. Whatever. So did I.

It was too late for anyone to start search parties  because I was long gone.

I looked at the streets and saw a sign that said "DREAM ISLAND PARKS."
The next thing I saw was a strippers club to my surprise. In an alley way, I noticed a man shoving a refusing girl into the alley.
To be a good person, I thankfully punched the man and pushed the girl away for her to escape. I also hid in the strippers club where I'd be safe. But when I saw the women, she kind of looked a lot like Double Pencil.
I'll have to commit suicide later, but for now, I'm trapped with witnesses.


I went to school, talked to Match and Bubble and learned that Bubble was hiding Ice Cube and one other kid for good reasons and learned that they'll be starting school tomorrow.

I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth, but my parents were super stingy that they kicked me out at 11 for being smarter than them. WTH's wrong with that?
I met Match, who works at a strippers club and I got a job there. People would want to bang me, but I always refused. I was glad for people to know I was gay because all the popular kids and cheerleaders want to bang me since they're jealous of how hot I look.
They always ask, but I told them I was dating Match.
I didn't ask to date Match, she made me her sex doll out of force and I liked it.
I was just glad for people to like me for who I am.
I know Ice Cube doesn't care if I'm gay, but I need to know about this other kid.

Anyways, that night, me and Match were wearing bikinis when Double Pencil came rushing in.

"Double Pencil, is everything like okay?" Match asked. "Yeah." Double Pencil said. "Just another pedophile problem." "DP!" I snapped. "I TOLD YOU TO LET US KNOW THE NEXT TIME YOU'RE ABOUT TO GET R...D! BUT YOU'RE OKAY RIGHT?" "Yeah." Double Pencil said. "Oh, and I didn't call for help because someone pushed me away from the pedophile." "Huh. Nice." I said, patting Double Pencil on the head. "But he kind of looked like my dumbass brother." Double Pencil said. "Your twin brother who would kick your ass every fucking second?" I asked. "Yeah." said Double Pencil. "NOW MOVE IT LOSERS!" Double Pencil shoved me and Match away from her and went onto the stage.

Double Pencil used to be abused a lot by everybody. We used to be friends, but when I started to date Match, people began to be friends with Double Pencil and she would kick ass to innocent people that didn't know her.

Double Pencil lives in the Dream Island hotel owned by Leafy's grandmother. I wanted to say that Double Pencil changed for the worse but me, Match and everybody else at the strippers kept our mouths shut for 3 reasons.

1. Double Pencil was top btch at the strippers club.

2. She was nice to us sometimes.

and 3. I am not admit this is the worse because it was all because of Double Pencil's stupid brothers. If I see one of them, I'll kick their fkn testicles so hard, they'll die.

Anyways, once everybody was out, I was putting on my headband when Match came up to me. "Hey Pence Pence, there's one idiot still sleeping at the bar counter. Is it cool if you help me get him out." "Sure." I put on my jacket and found this idiot with a blue backpack, snoring like a twerp.

I took a pencil out of my pocket and pushed the blue baseball cap off his head.

"No thanks, I don't drink." he said.

"Uh I'm not asking you to be drunk, I'm asking you to leave." I tell him, as I kept poking the weirdo with my pencil. Just then, Double Pencil came into the room. "Hey why's he here!?"
"He's just leaving." I tell him, as I began poking him with the sharp point with my pencil.

Just then, the idiot moaned, took my pencil, scratched his leg with it, gave it back, got up, bumped into a pole near the door, and left.

"Uh did he like leave without like paying?" Match asked. "No. I just saw him sit there, cutting himself with a blue pen for some reason." I tell Match. "Wait. That's the guy who saved me from that predator from earlier. " said Double Pencil.

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