12. Skates

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Ship suggested WhispySparks

Ever since Ben ran away,the suicidal thoughts were fading away. It had been a week now and Ben was thinking.
He didn't go to school to show his face and hid himself in the bar whenever he could.
Ben had slept on the streets where nobody would or want to find him.
And if they did,Ben decided to Change his name. The B in Ben had two bumps. If you removed the bottom bump, you would get a P for Pen.

Ben, or now Pen still had the ball point pen in his pockets.
It reminded him how he used to bleed ink.
While Pen's mom was pregnant with him, she and her husband were trapped in an inky warehouse.
This only effected him and not Double Pencil.
Everyone bleeds blood while Pen being a human being like everyone else bleeds ink.
It was a good thing Pen had brought some ink bottles for him just in case he decides to keep on living, which he does.
Pen has cut off all contacts from his own life and decided to start off fresh with good intentions.
However he did still have his old photos and videos.
In his old life,nobody knew he was gay.
Now,he would make it obvious that he was.

Nearby was a mall,and Pen had brought all his money,which was only $198.

Leafy and I were out at the mall. For some reason, she wanted to talk to me alone.

We sat at a bench near a store and it looked like Leafy was sweating.
"Leafy is everything ok?" I ask gently.
Leafy looked at my skirt and couldn't take her eyes off of it. "Pin." she said quietly. "Yes." I say.
"I have a crush on..." Leafy then noticed something. I looked at my skirt to find nothing wrong with it.
"Those roller skates I've been telling you about. They just came in today." Leafy quickly said and took me in the store with roller skates.
I quickly got a glimpse at Match and Pencil staring at us.
Stupid Stalkers.
Maybe Leafy liked the roller skates she was talking about, but I think that's not what she was about to say.


I want to be Leafy's pet.
Her chew toy.
Her pillow.
Her permanent servant.
Don't get me wrong, Coiny treats me well but I can't help loving Leafy.
I told Coiny and he was perfectly fine with me loving Leafy.

Anyways, as I headed into the store with Leafy, I noticed the red roller skates.
They were to die for.
"I'd kill for those skates." I heard Pencil say.
"Hey Leafy, how about I buy you those skates." I say.
"Okay." Leafy said.
I went to get the skates.
Once they were in my hands,I felt another set of hands on the skates. I had my hands on the skates very strong.
"Those skates belong to me." It was Pencil.
I could see Leafy blush.
I growl at Pencil and pull the skates towards me. "Like don't hurt her." Great. Match.
"Oh shut it." I say. "Or else I'll shit on your stage at the strippers club." "You do so and you're like banned for life." Match says. Then, out of nowhere, I pounce on Match and slapped her real hard.


Fucking idiot.
Pin tackles Match and knocks the roller skates out of my hands, then I grab onto Pin and try pulling her apart.

"Please stop fighting." Leafy says.

It's not like anyone's here watching or anything.


Ok,so I was just minding my own business when I noticed a cool pair of roller skates.
Then I see some people fighting.
One person had a unicorn hat with a silver horn and a red dress and skirt attacking someone with a tshirt and beanie in jeans,similar to mine. Anyways,there was a person with a pink beanie, grey headband, Orange tshirt and tan skirt with black shoes trying to break up the fight.
God. Damn me and my perverted life of scoring.

You know the one that's getting punched and the one trying to break up the fight kind of look familiar. Like the two from the strippers club I go to.
I'm about to be legit honest. I don't know why they're fighting but I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I bought those roller skates. The people are probably fighting about something else.

So while everyone was fighting, I took the roller skates and bought them

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So while everyone was fighting, I took the roller skates and bought them.
See, no harm done.
The roller skates were red, but I was going to buy some more ink at the mall so I don't die of losing ink.
My ink had dried loads of time, but I was still alive. But just in case I'm going to buy some ink.

I was just glad I decided to be impatient and not wait till tomorrow because once I purchased the skates, the cashier explained to me that these skates were to die for.


Even though the mall was near the street I slept on, I was glad to have a faster transportation device. I mean, a bike would be okay, but I'm not willing to have it stolen. I still had my sneakers so I bought a blue backpack and placed my sneakers in the bag, which wasn't that bad. Then I skated over to Staples to buy some ink.

On the way, the most stupidest thing came into my head.

Why the rainbow did I need to go to the mall when all the stuff I needed were at a different store?

I mean like I'm glad I did go to the mall because I bought these skates but I think my ballpoint brain isn't working in a good way.

Anyways, I went to Staples and bought some ink.
Then I saw this really hot guy, wearing a pink hoodie chilling by himself.
He said hi to me.
I said hi back.

Not going to lie, I wanted to bang him.

In a loving way like date him.

OMG I messed up a lot of people I'm taking a pain away.


I was bored so I texted Blocky and Snowball If they want to hang. They said they were busy with stuff.
I scrolled through my contacts and find Firey's name.
I asked if he wanted to chill and he said it was cool. Firey told me to wait outside of Staples.

So I went to Staples and I see this loner kid with a blue ball cap and roller skates with ink.
Just to be nice, I said hi and he said hi back.

Later, I saw Firey and Coiny.
Two dudes who barely interacted with each other.
"Oh hey guys." I said.
"Sup Eraser." Coiny said.
"Uh you guys want to hang out at Match's strip club." I asked.
"Fuck yeah!" Coiny said. "I'm bringing Pin with me though."
I laughed a little. "Don't see why not. Yo Firey, you bringing yo GF."
I was just trolling with Firey but what he said shocked me.
"Yeah. Leafy's with Pin rn but If Pins there, I'm jackass positive Leafy will want to come." Firey said with a smile. "YOOOO!!!" I said. "MY OTHER BOI GOT A GIRL TOOOOO!!!!"
"Yeah. Leafy is super nice." Firey said.
"Oh yeah,Eraser," Coiny said. "Pin and I met someone in gym class and invited her to come with us." "The more the merrier." I said.

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