31. Revenge

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I was trying to avoid Match and Pencil for days now. The jackasses. At school, I sat with Bottle, Winner, Clock, Yellow Face, Cloudy and Rocky.

After lunch, Cloudy had gotten sick and was sent home to feel better. I could see the assistant teacher comforting Rocky because Cloudy and Balloony meant a lot to him, and they were just gone now.
Meanwhile, the rest of us were stuck learning.
Our teacher was showing the results on the board when Rocky began bawling over Cloudy's absence, I took a quick video before anyone noticed. Even with Rocky being the top student of the class, he was still sad. So he was sent to the nurses office until he was ready to feel alright.
But everyone was shocked at how Rocky got the top grade out of everyone. I'm still shocked I came in second.

Ice Cube
Golf Ball

Despite being friends with Pin, one of the smart ones, Coiny and Needle were in the bottom 4.
After school, I saw Rocky all by himself when all of a sudden,Coiny and Pin began to jump on him for no reason. "They don't care for you!" Coiny said. "How can you be above everyone. ESPECIALLY ME!" Pin said. "I gained the extra bonus points. NOT U!" Pin then shoved Rocky to the ground. I can't believe how people hate Rocky for no reason. All Needle did was watch Rocky suffer. Hell mostly Pencil, Match and Snowball do the most pain to Rocky but they would never think of doing something like this.

Seeing how people are ignoring Rocky being hurt, I charged.
I pushed Coiny into Pin and the two fell to the ground. I placed my shoe on their faces and slapped Needle multiple times screaming Needy from the top of my lungs. But I wasn't done. While Needle was slapping me multiple times, I took my bag and threw it at Coiny and Pin then pushed Needle away from me. She almost fell but I didn't care. I flipped the double middle fingers at Coiny and Pin then left in a hurry. Maybe I should've told Rocky to come with me, but his dad is probably waiting for him to come home.

At home, I didn't even bother telling Bubble about what I did. Heck, I don't think she likes Rocky for the same reason as everyone else: no reason at all. Well I do know Woody, Blocky Spongy, Golf Ball, Leafy and their other friend Yo Yo Ball care for Rocky so much so idk.
However, Rocky didn't need to thank me.
I helped him get something I've always wanted:

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