21. Happy Thanksgiving

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I woke up to find a lot of comments on the video I had uploaded about my sister abusing me. Bubble told me revenge wasn't the answer after eating breakfast but I was like WTH.
Bubble was teaching Woody how to plant a garden and cleaning the dishes while I was thinking: Match and Pencil are even more worse than my sister but whatever they can rot in hell and burn alive for all I care.
You know life was nice but boring here ever since I came here.
I remembered how I came here a month ago and now it's November.
Anyways, me and Woody were having thanksgiving with Match and Pencil.

Anyways, while me, Bubble and Woody were getting ready, someone knocked on the door.
Bubble went to get it and was petrified of who came. "Hey uh Is Woody home?" Blocky looked more red than his kicks. "Uh yeah but we have to go to the thanksgiving party with him, Match and Pencil." Bubble said. Blocky looked devastated but remained strong. "Oh uh tell Woody I said take care." Blocky then left. I think he's hiding something.
Everyone heard how he and Spongy both quit their jobs at the paper airplane store and both had a growing YouTube channel. Blocky was a prankster, but Spongy's been teaching him good ideas inspired by other YouTubers.
Wow. Even optimistic people like Spongy have dark humor.

Anyways, at the Thanksgiving party Pencils moms said they were going to take us out to a movie.


I was walking home from talking to Eraser. He had to go to a thanksgiving party with his family and Spongy was hanging out with Rocky and Yo Yo Ball.
Right now I met up with Snowball who was sitting by himself. When he saw me, he smiled. "How was your quest for Romeo?" He smirked.
"Had to leave to hang with the alliance." I said.
"Told Eraser." Snowball nodded. "Well your not going to believe who I asked out." "Basketball." I laughed, remembering how we both were fighting for her love. Snowball won because I met Flower.
Now she's dating someone named Lollipop. It's fine because I was pansexual plus I developed a crush on Woody when we hung out. Flower guided me on how to impress him and now she's hanging with Lollipop.
Maybe I should've had Thanksgiving with them. "I'm going to chill with Flower and Lolli want to come?" I asked SB. "Nah. I'm going to catch a movie. My family is too dam annoying and I don't want to talk about my arm or time at the hospital." "Oh yeah, sorry about Spongy. Who knew his fatness could dominate you." I said. "It's cool." Snowball got up and went to the theater in front of us. And then I saw him.
Snowball must have seen him to because he turned around and smiled at me in a devilish way. I ran to Snowball and we secretly spied on Woody.
He, Bubble, Pencil, Match and Ice Cube were going to see a movie that supports LGTBQIA. I told Snowball about it and we made sure we didn't get caught.

Bubble was real friends with Leafy, but then she broke it. I could tell somethings up with her and Firey. But what? IDK.
Me and Match weren't really dating. I just said that to make Pin jealous. Leafy is love. Leafy is life.


Tomorrow was Black Friday, maybe I could buy something to show Woody I care for him.
Eraser told me that TD rejected Woodys love for Needle so Woody was still single. I just hope he likes me back. I like Woody for who he is and I bully him because I like his voice.
Well we're on good terms now because he knows why.
I know Im the school bully in our grade but I care for the bad people also. And if Pin calls Woody the worst one, then I guess I like him. And I may or may not have liked him intentionally. :)

I felt pain in my head, and blood boiling.
"DUDE! IVE BEEN TELLING YOU WUSSY LEFT FOR 10 FUCKING MINUTES!" Snowball said. Crap. I was into the movie that I forgot to sneak up to Woody and confess my love for him. Luckily I saw how the two boys confessed their love so I had a plan.
Once I told Snowball, he just face palmed himself.

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