13. The Make Out

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Eraser was already at the club.
Since he was friends with Match,who was one of the owners of the strip club,he was given free entry with no cost.
However,since Match's ex Firey was going to be there,Eraser didn't mention anything about inviting anyone.

Pencil on the other hand would be fine with just Leafy and Coiny around.Same with Match.
Secretly, she had been observing Firey and Coiny.
Firey and Coiny had been slapping each other since that one time Leafy asked Firey if he liked Coiny in front of him and a snickering Pin who was holding Leafy in a loving way.
Let's just say it backfired real badly.

The truth was Firey and Coiny were to guilty to admit their love for each other,but nobody knew except Eraser during private conversations.
Speaking of,Eraser just saw Coiny and Firey holding hands.
When they approached Eraser,the man in pink cheered for the couple. "MY BOIS!!!" Tonight was the biggest night because it was TGI Friday Ultimate at the Strippers, so there was a lot of loud music. But that didn't stop Eraser to take precaution in case Match sees Firey.
"Eraser we have the whole Match thing under control." Coiny said. A tall thin girl came over to Eraser, Firey and Coiny. As she did, the people couldn't stop but stare and observe this blessed being of attractive adorable and cuteness.
"Eraser." Coiny said once the girl was face to face with Eraser. "This is Needle."
"Uh hey." Eraser said, trying to be chill.
"Hi." Needle said.
"Wait did you say Needy? If not sorry the music is loud here." Eraser asked.
"I'll let it slide just this once since I think you misheard but don't call me Needy." Needle said. "It's Needle."
Eraser dared not to test Needle and decided that whatever happens to those who call her Needy,will suffer the consequences very severely.
"Okay Needle." Eraser said,hoping Needle wouldn't shove a pentagon up his face.
"Thx." Needle said. "Anyways don't worry about Firey and Match. They make fun of my outfits and sewing so if I see Match and Pencil, I'll slap them like hell."

So if anybody calls Needle Needy,she will slap that person.
I can call her Needle.No harm.
But when Needle said Pencil, something hit me.
"Hey uh Needle." I said.
While I was lost in thought, Firey was watching Coiny and Needle were talking.
"Firey." I said.
Firey turned to me. "Yeah Eraser."
"Did Pencil date Leafy?"
"Eraser,Leafy's dating Pin." Coiny said.
"No I meant had Leafy ever dated Pencil in her life." I said.
"Uh I think." Needle said. "But IDK."
"Wait, where is Leafy and Pin anyways?"
"Right here."
The next thing I saw was Pin carrying Leafy on her shoulders. "WOAH!" I said.
"Impressive right?" Pin asked.
"Well yeah but I'm more surprised that one second you two weren't behind me and the next you are." I said. "Anyways congrats on dating."
"You two should get a gender swap at the hospital like me and Firey did." Coiny said.
"COINY!" Firey slapped Coiny.
"What? Everyone here knows." Coiny chuckled.
"Yeah." Needle said.
"Wait..." Coiny shot an angry glare at Firey.
"Oh yeah. Heh heh. I may or not have told Needle that we both had a gender swap.BUT IM SORRY I SLAPPED YOU! I MAY HAVE FORGOTTEN ABOUT THAT, BUT YOU FORGOT I HATE BEING WET!" Firey quickly said. "And you just told the 4 of us that you both had a sex change." Needle said to Coiny.
"Yeah." Said Leafy,who was moving her bum on Pin's shoulder.

Lucky girl Leafy.

"Wait Leafy mind if I ask,did you date Pencil one time?" I asked Leafy.
"Yeah but when she was on her business trip, I fell in love with Firey and confessed my love to him. Pencil said it was okay because she was dating Match on the business trip and..."
"Uh Eraser..." Pin said.

"Wait." I was thinking.
"Ya good bro?" Firey asked me.
"Yeah,you good also?" I asked.
Firey nodded.
"Wait so if Pencil and Match were dating the same time as Leafy and Firey, then why is Match still mad?" I said.
"Well Match is gay and I used to be a woman." Firey said.
"But you had a sex change and Match is still doing good with Pencil,not that I'm jealous or anything." I said. "Hold on, you guys chill I'm going to find Match."
And with that, I left.

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