27. Hanging with Rocky

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I met this guy, Cloudy who was hanging out with this kid, Winner Handy-worker. Clock had introduced me to Winner, explaining how Winner is non-binary but to keep in mind they were always welcoming.
I met Clock when Needle introduced me to her group of popular friends. The most popular was this guy named Loser Champ. There was Pin, Coiny and Firey. Along with Losers boyfriend Cake Chocolate and Clocks other friend Eggy Matured. Days later, Leafy and Firey began dating making them more popular than Bubble. Now I don't hang out with them anymore because Pin and Coiny are making me a bit uncomfortable. Also me and Firey never got along. With Leafy out of his way, we still don't because his stupid reputation always has to announce the fact that we were opposites. Even before I came here! The hell Firey. And then there's Eggy who I've only spoke to a few times and the couple Loser and Cake. I barely knew them at all. I think the only sane one was Needle even if she could act like a child.

Anyways, the reason why I mentioned Cloudy, Winner and Clock was because I was going to crash at their friends place. Her name was Bottle Glass and when I was at her house, I saw how crowded Bottles room was:
There was me, Bottle, Winner,Clock,Cloudy, some guy in a yellow suit, some other guy with a blue baseball cap, white hoodie and black shorts. Not to mention he had roller skates on and was holding a ballpoint pen. And the last person was Rocky. Nobody paid attention to him at school. Not even me. Not even his friend Golf Ball talked to him. The only ones who did pay attention to Rocky was Cloudy, his boyfriend and Woody. There was this kid named Nickel who was always with Rocky but last April my old friend Book said he got accepted into a cool school on some island.
She was so clingy the first few days I met her.
Then there was this whole Taco thing that I didn't get.
And finally she was being even more abusive to me. I'd rather go back with Ice Water than hang around Book for more than a fucking second. She was being even worse than Match and Pencil. "So, anyone who else coming?" I asked. "No!" Bottle said happily, as she shook the kid with the blue cap around with just one hand. "Oh uh yeah Ice Cube, this is Bottles old friend, Pen." Clock said. Once Pen managed to be released from Bottle, he took deep breaths but managed to give a thumbs up to me. I back away. "Don't worry." Pen said. "I'm gay." "YAY! A GAY PERSON!" Bottle then began to shake Pen even more until the guy in yellow pulled them apart. "Break it up you two or else you'll both kill each other by accident." Wow this guy was weird but whatever. "Oh yeah, this guys Yellow Face. He has his own company which I respect." Clock then place his fist on his heart. Then turned to Bottle who had finally let go of Pen. "Oh and Bottle, you do know Cloudy's gay to right. Plus almost all your friends are gay."
"It's alright." Cloudy said happily taking one of the fruit punch on Rocky's plate as Rocky handed out the rest. "Hey Cloudy. I know you have a Boyfriend, but I've never seen him." I said to Cloudy. Rocky took out his phone and handed it to me. There was a picture of him, Nickel, Woody, Cloudy and his boyfriend. I looked at his boyfriend. Leafy was there also but I ignored her and focused more on Cloudy's BF. He had a green hat, the most fanciest shirt, a tie and suspenders. In fact, everything he wore was green except the white fancy shirt. I saw Cloudy's boyfriend holding a green balloon that said BxC. "What does BxC stand for?" I ask. "Balloony x Cloudy." Cloudy said. "Balloony said he was on a business trip with two of your friends. I think Lollipop Grape and Ruby Gem." "I know Ruby but I just know Lolli from my class." I said. "Cool." Cloudy said.
Right now Bottle was touching Rocky's hair. Only to find she was placing a pink bow on it and another. I then felt something on my head.
I felt around and found out it was Pens baseball cap. "Looks good on you." he said.
Clock then shot fingerbangs at me. Winner laughed a little before kissing him. "Woah! Are you two?" I said surprised with a smile growing on my face. "A year now." Winner said. "Happy anniversary babe." Winner then placed his fist on top of Clock's head as he patted Winner's back, letting out a small chuckle. I then give Pens cap back, ink in my hair now. "Sorry." Pen said, heading for the door. "Forgot I dyed my hair." "It's fine." I said. I'd get my revenge on him but right now I'm too lazy to do it. "You're leaving?" I asked Pen. "No, I'm just getting some napkins or tissues from the bathroom." Winner got up. "Hold up, I'll help you."
Now it was just me, Yellow Face, Bottle, Clock, Cloudy and Rocky. Cloudy had fallen asleep while Winner had kissed Clock. Yellow Face handed me a piece of cloth from his bag, but Bottle snatched it and rubbed it on my head. Using this moment as an opportunity to put a bow on my head. Then dragging me to Rocky.
Rocky didn't really do anything. He just smiled as I placed my head on his and sat down.
Bottle then placed a blanket over us. "Yay! They're gone!" I couldn't help but smile a bit as I placed the blanket on Rocky.

Minutes later, Pen and Winner came back with some extra paper towels and we just talked for a little bit. Well I mostly listened. "Is it cool how Naily Is dating Price Taggy?" Winner asked. "Who's Price Taggy?" I asked. "The other new student from last year. They're already dating Naily ever since Price Taggy's first day." "Price Taggys non binary to? Just asking." I said, trying to be polite. "It's okay Icy. And yes Price Taggy is non binary." Clock said. Well as were talking, I found out Bottle had secretly putted bows all over me and Rocky. "Bottle, go put some bows on Cloudy." I said, giggling a little. "Nope!" Bottle said.
An hour later, we all binged watched Squid Game and Cloudy woke up on Episode 3.
Once we finished Episode 9, I left the house.
Bottle said I could keep her bows so I might as well give some to Bubble and maybe Woody to help his fear of bows.


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