37. Fight at the Sports place

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Tennis Ball

Other than some loud arguing, today seemed to be a very boring day at the Sports store. I couldn't see Eraser but I assumed he was just looking at some stuff. Eraser is into sports I think? But he's just here with his two buds. Blocky was just trying to break the punching bag. Is he trying to get me fired? Their buddy Snowball was now on the treadmill and I always tell him not to go onto the treadmill bc my boss told me not to allow anyone no matter what.
Well,there isn't that much to do and my boss wouldn't be back for another week so I guess he wouldn't mind if I go onto the treadmills for a little run. I hide my identity so the security cameras won't recognize me and make my way to the treadmills. Once there, I put my on shades. "Yo! SNOWBALL! IM READY TO JOIN YA!" "Cool bro, except one thing." SB said. "Oh dw it's me Tennis Ball no joke." I said. "Been working here since last year, also I won't snitch." "Oh I could tell by ur voice ur Tennis Ball, but I'm not Snowball. I'm Eraser!" I turn around and see Eraser looking at me with a small smile as if he found my false assumption amusing. "Hey where's SB anyways?" I ask. "I don't know." Eraser says and continues to go on the treadmill. I then hear the voices in the building getting louder.

I check to see what is going on and I find Snowball and some other kid fighting. The kid had grey hair and a plaid skirt, with a black sweater. Rn she was saying cuss words at Snowball. Knowing Snowball would kill me, I decided to just pull the girl away from him. I took her to the boys room immediately, as she struggled to break free. "What are you doing?" I asked cautiously pushing the girl a little bit, releasing her. "In case you don't know, you don't go around and mess with that kid unless your his friends." "I'm friends with Eraser though." the girl said. I open the door for her. "Yeah, but you're clearly not friends with Snowball because Eraser wouldn't do something like that. Neither would his other friends." "Why would that blockhead have friends?" the girl asked, unamused. "I thought you said you were friends with a friend of Snowball- and not Snowball." the girl wanted to say something but I interrupted her. "I said friends with Snowball not someone who is friends with Snowball and judging how you called him blockhead, you really despise him. Well don't waste your time with stuff that'll ruin your day." The girl was silent the entire time. "Well... I like Math." I smiled. "See that's a start. Algebra?" "Fractions." she said, starting to be a bit more calmer. "Oof. Good luck having conversations with me about them. I may be one of the top in honor rolls but even I'm not good in fractions." I said as I turned to the door. "Wait YOU'RE Tennis Ball?" I turned to look at the girl now shocked. "You were the smartest kid at the school and threw your knowledge all way just to work at... THIS!? With hooligans like Sno..."
I quickly cover her mouth. "Yeah. Make a lot of green dough here. What's your name anyways?" I let go of the girls mouth. "Golf Ball." she said. "Well Golf Ball, it was nice meeting you. You're off the hook for now and I'll remove the footage of your little quarrel with SB just as long as you don't do it again." I say as I turn to the door. "And if I do?" Golfball asks, thinking I'm flirting with her... cause I'm not. I slowly walk up to her, making Golfball retreat in fear. "Then good luck finding another sports store to hang at." I said nicely, giving her the indication. "I thought you were going to say to pick fights at." Golfball said. "Don't worry." I said, giving her some space to leave. "Anyways I believe you're good to go so Adios." I then leave to go back to doing my job.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2022 ⏰

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