25. Twas the seasons

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Lol cool coincidence that the 25th chapter is a Christmas chapter lolAnyways, thx for 1

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Lol cool coincidence that the 25th chapter is a Christmas chapter lol
Anyways, thx for 1.01k reads I didn't expect this book to get this much love :)

It's been a month since me and Leafy got back together. Every time I see Needle, Pin, Coiny and Firey, I just get mad at them. Well Coiny tries to talk to Leafy and is nice to her so Bubble and Ice Cube trusts him. I don't even acknowledge him. In fact, me and my alliance bully Firey , Pin and Needle. We couldn't say why we torment them because Leafy says it'll ruin Firey's reputation but it felt good to hurt them.

I look at a photo.
It was me, Leafy and Firey when we were all in 4th grade. I remembered us being the 3 most popular students.
Now only Firey is the most popular because he told everyone what happened between him and Leafy. Coiny isn't buying any of it but me and Ice Cube can see why people hate Leafy. She just expects a lot out of everything.


It was Christmas night and Leafy was really sad. I walked over to her bed and began cuddled her, trying to cheer her up.
"What's wrong my baby?" I whisper into her ears. "I wanted to give Firey a present but Needle stopped me." "Fuck Needle." I tell Leafy looking through her stuff. "Pencil, what are you doing?" Leafy asked a bit concerned. I find an Orange box and hand it to Leafy. "Is this the present?" I ask. Leafy nodded, holding onto it tightly. "Well let's go give it to Firey." I said tossing her green jacket to her face. "Right now?" Leafy asked. I nodded. "I could see him along with Coiny and their loser friends hanging out in the snow. Fun fact, Coiny left Firey for Pin and they don't know were dating. I'll get Match and we'll be on our way.


Hanging out with all my friends and dumb Coiny is super awesome. We all played in the snow and acted like little kids.

"You made me miss TD's sleepover FOR THIS!?" Needle asked, annoyed.

"Needz, you could just go." Coiny said. "Yeah right, you three always have to act like children. I'm not letting you out of my sight because I'll be blamed for your dumb mistakes." "You're more of a child here than any of us." Pin said. "Whatever." Needle rolled her eyes. "I'm going over to that bench and tell TD that you three are doing dumb stuff, if anything happens right now, I'm going to walk up to you all and slap you all across the face for being idiots."

"Yeesh Needle, you need to calm down." I said. "Whatever." Needle said.

Anyways, I decided to walk to the nearest bathroom, when someone stopped me.



With her was Match.


"Well well well. If it isn't the big loser!" Pencil sneered. "Says you, I'm the most popular kid at our school." Firey said, walking away. "Yeah and we're also popular and yet here you are, being scared of me." Pencil said. "What do you want?" Pin yelled, Coiny and Needle behind her. "Just die." Pencil said. "You were always so harsh now you're being even more harsher, what's your problem?" Pin said. "You are." Pencil said. "Pencil, let's just get it over with." Match said. Leafy walked up to Pencil and gave her some boxes. An orange one, a red one, a yellow one and a silver one.

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