32. The beaten up

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Nobody's POV

"I think it's cool that you're gay." Ice Cube said. "Thanks." Said Yo Yo Ball. "I'm the only one in my family who's gay. The rest are all straight. But my friends Water Bottle Is transgender, Stoner is straight, Pen is pansexual, Appley and Double Pencil are both bisexual and Sunglass 1 is a lesbian." Ice Cube smiled. "Wow. That's amazing." "HEY YO YO BALL!" a new voice said. Ice Cube and Yo Yo Ball looked around. They were sitting on a bench at school alone when Coiny came up to them. Pin, Needle and Teardrop behind. Ice Cube would be scared but she was calm and chill. Yo Yo Ball however felt like he wanted to leave but was stunned. It was when Needle, Pin, Coiny and Teardrop were close to YYB and IC that the Yo Yo Ball decided to run but Needle was faster and grabbed Yo Yo Balls arm. Yo Yo Ball screamed a little as Needle slapped him a few times. Pin and Coiny then walked up to Yo Yo Ball. Yo Yo Ball tried to run but right now Needle was sitting on him so he wouldn't escape.
Ice Cube didn't even do anything, but TD couldn't help but feel bad. When Needle Pin and Coiny were done, they left Yo Yo Ball beaten and hurt. Ice Cube and Teardrop helped the wounded boy up to his feet. "Thanks ma'am's." Yo Yo Ball said quietly. "Don't call us that dude." Ice Cube said, patting Yo Yo Ball on the head. "I appreciate it." Yo Yo Ball said. "Teardrop I might have to report your GF. Are you ok with that?" Ice cube asked. TD shook her head no. "Okay so I'll just report Pin and Coiny. This has gone on long enough." Ice Cube took out her phone but Yo Yo Ball quickly shoved it away in a flash. The phone then fell into the soft snow. "S- sorry." Yo Yo Ball quickly said, getting prepared for receiving a beating. "I just don't want you to hurt Coiny and Pin." "Yo Yo Ball, did you forget what they just did to you?" IC asked in a worried tone as she picked up her phone. "I have short term memory loss but I didn't forget." Yo Yo Ball said. "I just don't want to deal with them hating me more." "They will either way." Ice Cube said. "So you're not going to rat on TD's GF. No offense Teardrop." Teardrop patted Yo Yo Ball. "TDs not the victim, you are. Plus TD and Needle are in a healthy relationship unlike you and I'm starting to get worried about your mental health Yo Yo Ball." Ice Cube said. "Look, tell you what, I won't snitch on one condition: I only get to tell Winner Clock Yellow Face Cloudy, Bottle and all of her friends and they will be forbidden to tell anyone. Is that good?" Yo Yo Ball was hesitant at first, but agreed anyways. "Okay let's get to class now." Ice Cube said.

Too lazy to edit this anyways, thx for watching Byeeeeee :)

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Too lazy to edit this anyways, thx for watching
Byeeeeee :)

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