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(More Jealous Sunny/Omori Stuff!)


"Y/Nnnnnnn......" "Yes Kel..?" "I'm Bored." "That's Not My Problem Now Is It?" "But You Should Help Me Be Less Bored!" Kel Shot Up And Whined To Y/N.
Everyone Was Waiting For Omori To Come Out, Y/N Was The First One To Arrive But Everyone Was Waiting On Omori Before Doing Anything Fun. "Boop. Boop Boop Boop-" "Kel What Are You Doing?" Y/N Lowered Their Sketchbook And Looked At Kel. "Annoying You." "Well How About You Annoy Someone Else?" "Nah Im Fine." They Sternly Huffed.

A Door Could Be Heard Opening And Emerged Omori. "Omori Hi!" Aubrey Waved To Omori Which Everyone Looked Over And Confirmed That Omori Has Arrived. Everyone Surrounded Omori But He Walked Past Everyone And Picked Up Y/N. "Hello Mori! How Is My Hun?" They Snuggled In Omori's Arms And Rubbed Their Cheek Against His. Who Blushed At The Affectionate Y/N. "Hey Omori We Were Planning On Going To Basil's House To Have A Sleepover! Wanna Come With?" Hero Waved To The Pair In The Corner.
Omori Nodded And Walked With Y/N In His Arms, Surprisingly Carrying Them With Ease. "Why Is My Brother Like This." Mari Silently Cried And Hero Patted Her Head Sympathetically.

Leaving The Neighbor's Room Everyone Walked Towards Basil's House. Hero Had Some Leftover Cookies And Cake From Yesterday, Mari Also Brought Her Picnic Basket With Who Knows What Is Inside That Mary Poppin Bag.

Omori Knocked On The Door And Basil Looked At Everyone Happily. "Hello Everyone! I Just Finished Up The Food For You!" Basil Stepped Aside While Everyone Walked Inside His Magnificent House. Omori Plopped Down On Basil's Bed And Rubbed Y/N Head Who Leaned In Their Head To Get More Affection.
"Wow Basil, What An Amazing Soup You Made!" Mari Complemented While Placing Down Her Basket. "Oh It's Just Some Beef And Veggie Stew. Thought I Try Something New.." He Poked His Fingers Together "Smells Delicious!" Aubrey Walked Over To The Pot "You Know How To Make Some Good Stew Basil!" Aubrey Nodded And Licked Her Lips.
"T-Thanks..." Basil Blushed "Oh Let Me Prepare The Bowls For You Guys!" Basil Got Up And Got Wooden Bowls From The Cabinet And Placed Them On The Little Table Basil Set Up For Everyone. He Finished After Some Help By Hero And Mari, Then He Coughed And Softly Yelled "Dinner's Ready!"

(Time Skip By Cute Family Dinner Bonding)

"Where You Going Basil?" Mari Looked At Basil Putting On His Boots. "Oh I Have To Do Nightly Check, Make Sure Every Flower Is Okay."
"Can I Help Basil?" Y/N Put Down Their Bowl On The Table, "Sure I Would Love Some Help!" He Smiled Turning A Bit Pink, Omori Grew Upset By This And Held Y/N Tighter Towards Him. "Mine..."
Everyone Looked At Omori Who Hid His Face In Their Neck. "What Did You Say Just Now Omori?" Hero Chuckled At Omori Jealous Reaction. "M-Mine!" Everyone Busted Out Laughing And Some Cooed At Omori's Jealousy. "But Omori I Wanna Help..." Y/N Tried To Get Off Of Omori's Lap But Omori Held On Tighter.

"Aha! Oof." Y/N Face Planted On The Floor After Being Set Free From Omori's Grasp. Kel Laughed At Them, "OMG THIS NIGHT CANT GET ANY BETTER, PAHAHA!" Kel Was Continuing To Laugh While Y/N Got Up And Followed Basil Out The Door. Omori Puffed Out His Cheeks Frustrated, Which Everyone Taunt Him For The Rest Of The Night.

Cat Ears And Ribbon

Omori Sat On The Neighbors Room Floor When An Idea Popped In His Head. He Went Over To The Drawer And Grabbed Two Things. Cat Ears Headband And A Big Red Ribbon. He Walked Past Aubrey Who Was Drawing On The Floor And Looked Up To See Omori Holding Two Things And Walking Towards Y/N. Aubrey Seemed Questioned By This But Decided It Should Happen So She Continued To Draw Her Rainbow Cat.
Omori Pushed On Y/N's Shoulder Who Looked To See Omori Crouching Down With Two Things In Hand. Y/N Took Them And Placed The Headband On And Omori Wrapped The Ribbon Around Their Neck, Not To Tight Or To Loose.

Omori Shuffled Back To See His Masterpiece And Y/N Looked Back At Omori. Omori Blushed Heavily At Their Cuteness And Y/N Noticed And Crawled Like A Cat To Omori. Which Omori Blushed More, Aubrey Looked At The Two And Saw Steam Coming Out Omori's Eats. "Omori! Are You Alright!?" She Got Up And Held The Fainted Omori "What Happen This Time?" Hero Tiredly Looked Off The Card Game He And Kel Were Playing. And Noticed Two Things, Y/N Having Cat Ears On Their Head And Omori Who Fainted. "Pfffft. Did Omori Really Do That To You Y/N?" Kel Tried To Hold His Laughter.
"Guess So."

Kel You Flirting Is Gonna Get You Killed

"Hey Sugar!" Kel Was Running Towards The Four Friends Down The Street With Hero Following Behind. "How Ya Doing My Man?" Kel Fist Bumped Y/N. Y/N Gave A Shrug And Stayed Straight Faced As Per Usual. "So What I Miss?" Kel Leaned His Hand On The Table Next To Y/N "Not Much Me And Basil Were Talking About Some After School Plans This Fall Break." Aubrey Sat On The Table Along With Basil.
"Arf! Arf!" "Heya Hector!" Basil Pet Hector Who Jumped Up On His Leg. "So Cutie, How Are You Today?" "Mmm." Y/N Mumbled While Having A Little Pink Blush. "Hey Kel, Watch Yourself." Aubrey Hit His Arm "Ow, Eh Sure Just Making Sure My Buddy Is Okay." Kel Gave A Toothy Grin To The Group. "Sunny...You Good?" Basil Nervously Said Frighten By The Presence Sunny Brought. "Huh, Sunny's Here?" Kel Looked At Sunny Who Gave Him A Furious Stare. "Hey Sunny! How Are You? Haven't Seen You In A While." Kel Grinned "Um Kel, Read His Face." Aubrey Said Straight
Sunny Walked To Y/N And Held Their Waist, And Glanced At Kel And Did A Little Hmph.

"Oh Someone Jealous?" Kel Teased Sunny "Kel I Wouldn't Do That If I Were You." Hero Warned "So Y/N Got Any Plans Or You Just Going Sit Around Looking Pretty?" Y/N Looked At Sunny Growing Dark Aura And Frantically Tried To Signal Kel To Stop. "And He Made His Death Wish." Aubrey Chuckled Waiting For Sunny To Snap. "You Look Like A Wonderful Star My Fair." Kel Complemented And That's It, He Dead.

Sunny Gritted His Teeth And Grabbed Kel's Shirt Collar. "Huh? Where We Going Sunny D?" Kel Was Being Partially Dragged While Sunny Looked Ahead. "And There You Go, He Dead." Aubrey Clapped And Sighed "I'll Make Him A Flower Crown For His Funeral." Basil Added "I Told Him, He Didn't Listen." Hero Shrugged.
(Ending Brought To You By Yelling By Sunny.)

Basil Vs Sunny

"Isn't My Turn To Hangout At Their House Today?" Basil Sternly Said To His "Best" Friend. "Didn't You Have Them Over For A Couple Of Hours For Stupid Gardening Stuff Last Week?" Sunny Said To Basil "They're Not Stupid, They Help Bring Patience To A Person Which You May Need."
"And What Are Going To Do Sunny? Have Them Bake Goodies?" Basil Folded His Arms, "That's Not All We Do. Listen For Once, We Do More Things Than Just Bake." Sunny Scoffed

"Geez Those Two Never Stop Fighting." Mari Looked Away From The Kitchen Doorway To Y/N. "I Have No Idea What Has Gotten Into Them Lately." Aubrey Paced Around The Room "Sorry Y/N, They Seem To Bicker Here And There." Mary Hugged Them "I Just Wanna Chill Before Valentines. Before All The Cute Couple Stuff Starts." Aubrey Shivered At The Thought Of Couples Kissing.

"Valentines?" Basil Stuck His Head Out The Kitchen Along With Sunny. "Yeah You Haven't Seen The Cute Hearts Around School Yet?" Aubrey Questioned "N-No..." Sunny Said Slowly "Geez Be More Observant Will Ya?" Aubrey Put Her Hands On Her Hips, Basil And Sunny Looked At Each And Growled Like Dogs. "*Sigh* Can't You Two Get Along For Once Or Come Up With A Compromise?" Mari Bargained With Them, "How Will That Work? We Can't Share Y/N." "I Want Them." Basil Looked Angrily At Sunny. "Just Do Something That Involves You Both So Then You're Not Fighting Over Them." Mari Looked At Y/N Who Was Messing With Their Socks. They Listened To Music Loudly And Looked Around The Room. "So What Then? What Can We Do That Involves "Both" Of Us?" Sunny Made Air Quotes "Just Hang Out And Cuddle, Go See The Treehouse, Anything Basically."

"What If-" "No Basil You Are Not One Upping Each Other." Aubrey Sternly Stared At The Two, "Dang It..."
"Okay Fine, Maybe On Valentines We Can "Both" Hangout With Y/N." Sunny Gaged At The Both Part. "Good And I Better Not Get Any Calls About You Getting Into Fights." Mari Pointed At Them, "We Won't..." Basil Rubbed His Arm, Mari Turned On The Tv With Y/N And Aubrey Watching Along.
Sunny And Basil Secretly Glared At Each, "Don't Try The Glares Boys." They Stood Up Straight And Sighed Realizing Both Of Them Are Gonna Have To Share On A Special Day.

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