To those who are here

389 9 13

Hey everyone, how long has it been?

...Oh, 3 years...right, right... sorry about that guys anyways I'm back and I want to put an end to this story, however I'm pretty divided on how I should end it, so I allowed the readers to decide. Here are the options:

1. Bell dies (happy ending) 5-ish more chapters 

2. Bell dies (all out war ending) 10-ish more chapters

3. I keep updating this story whenever I can (neutral/undecided/no ending) ???-ish more chapters 

Comment "This one" on whatever ending you want; the one with the most votes will be published.

If YOU have a different topic area, you want me to go comment on it here, and I will probably add it later into the story.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 12 ⏰

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