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Ok this chapte might be kinda boring and a little stupid but I just felt like writing it. Tell me what you think and if I should continue or not. Vote, comment, fan, rate! WOOT! I have a good feeling for this one, give me your support :3


Just My Luck, Stuck With The Alpha.

Chapter One: Never Piss In The Woods.

"Oh my god where the hell is Kevin?" I asked tapping my foot impatiently in the car. Rodney honked his horn again. If Kevin doesn't hurry up we'll be lucky if we get to the waterfall by midnight! I unbuckled my seat belt an got out the car.

"Where are you going?" Jess asked.

"To go get the douche." I said. I shut the door behind me and took the key from under the mat then unlocked the door. "Kevin...!" I called.

"Oh, Uh... Just wait right there Silver!" He called.

"How long does it take you to put on a pair of trunks?" I asked my hands on my hips.

"3 days!" he called. I rolled my eyes. Yet it only takes me 30 minutes to take a shower. He came jogging down the stairs. A huge smile on his face.

"Do I even want to know?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Nope." I chuckled.

"You're soo dead when we get to the waterfall." I told him getting back in the car. We drove off with listening to loud music. Ever since school ended we all decided to keep in touch, and that meant every Friday we go to the waterfall. None of us wanted to go to college even though we could, I just didn't feel the need to. Marisa, Jess, Kevin, and Rodney are the only family I really have. My parents just send checks of money in the mail. So caring. Rodney stopped the car after he couldn't get any farther in the forest.

"Race you there." Marisa said.

"You are so on." I said. That's one thing about me. I love competition. Especially a good one. "As soon as you step out the car the race starts."

"What the? Silver that's not even fair!" Kevin said. I shrugged. I grabbed my sun glasses and opened the door then started running through the forest closer and closer to the sound of the water. Another thing about me, I'm super clumsy. I'm prone to accidents. Like one time I was casually walking with my friends then I fell. And NO ONE tripped me. Then there was this other time I was flirting with this guy and I didn't realize my HAND was in his cake. Embarrassing. I mean he offered to lick the cake off but that was just gross to me. So things just happen. OH that reminds me of the time I was running up my staircase and I tripped up the stairs. Who do you know that does that?! Me. As I was nearing the water I actually thought I was gonna be a ninja so I jumped up just to step on a HUGE rock and slip off the end of the rocks. So here I am. Soaring through the air. Waiting to hit water... Super hard. This makes me think of movies, like that one movie The Game. That guy jumped of a 1000 foot building and it took him like an hour to hit the glass. And he lived! I feel like I could have a full blown conversation her in the air. A piercing scream seemed to snap me out of my thinking. Who the hell is that screaming?! Oh wait... Hold on... I think that's me screaming. Finally I hit the water with a prickly "Sploosh." I swam back up to surface trying to get air. My friends were at the top of the fall laughing their asses off.

"Hey! Not funny!" I said.

"What happened this time?" Jess asked trying not to laugh.

"I stepped on a rock. And fell." I said. That made them laugh even harder.

"We still love you!" Rodney said. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah whatever." I said and swam out the water. Great, one of my flip flops are gone. I groaned. Today is not my lucky day. I sighed and stripped out my now wet clothes and walked around where there were a lot of trees. Why? Because if there's a lot of trees when the wind blows they'll get dry. I'm smart! I hung them up on the braces like a clothes line then slipped off my... Flip flop cause I only have one. I headed back to my friends who were now in the water playing and stuff. I took a dive back in the water and hopped on Marisa's shoulders.

"Silvy!" She said.

"Yes babe?" I asked innocently.

"You're not the lightest fur ball on the planet." She said.

"And I'm not the heaviest either." I grinned. Kevin flashed me a glance warning me. Oh right, Kevin's obsessed with Marisa. "Fine fine fine, have it your way." I sighed and jumped back down in the water. Jess and Rodney were an item and Kevin wants to be an item with Marisa except he keeps slipping up an doing random girls. There should definitely be a rehab for sex.

"Hey, you guys wanna go check and if there's a whirlpool down at the bottom of the waterfall?" Rodney asked.

"Why would there be a whirlpool here?" I asked.

"The water has to go somewhere." He said.

"Do you not realize we're not touching the ground?" I asked.

"Silver, you're starting to sound special. All I'm saying is that there has to be some sort of vortex behind the fall, or there could be a whirlpool underneath us. But you're making everything complicating by saying there's no way for the water to release." Rodney said.

"No I'm saying evaparation does all that for us." I smiled. Rodney slapped himself in the face.

"Just... Forget it Silver."

"I think it's a pretty good idea. A deep fall adventure. I'm down." Jess said.

"I'll go if Kevin goes." Marisa said.

"I'll go if you guys go." I said. "Wait... No... I dunno cause what if I hit my head on a rock? It could be fatal and I could die." I said.

"Silver fatal is death." Kevin said grinning.

"You know what I mean." I said.

"So are you gonna come?" Jess asked.

"Wait, how are you gonna hit your head on a rock?" Marisa asked.

"You know how clumsy I am." I said seriously.

"Yeh, she does have a point. Silver could make a spoon attack her in the eye by looking at it too hard." Kevin said. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not that clumsy." I said.

"You tripped over air."

"Someone could have flicked a bead at my shoelaces and maybe they felt the need to take action." I said.

"Action as in making you fall flat on your face?" I blushed remembering the embarrassment.

"I'm gonna go. And prove to you I'm not a disaster waiting to happen." I said.

"Let's take a deep sea adventure." Rodney said swimming to the fall. I followed suit. Rodney took a dive, then Jess, then Marisa. But looking at all this water made me have to pee.

"Uh, Kevin. I have to pee." I whispered. I dunno why I was whispering, I just felt the need to whisper. It was just one of those moments.

"Or are you afraid of a fatal injury?" Kevin smirked.

"Say that again and Marisa will know about your slumber parties." I said.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Oh I don't dare. I just do." I said. Wow that was retarded. "Anyway, tell the guys I have to pee ok? I'll find you guys."

"Don't get kidnappe on your way to the loo!" Kevin joked. I swam back to ground level and ran through the woods finding the best place to take a piss. Once I found a huge bundle of bushes I took that to my advantage and pulled my Bikini down to pee. I looked up and around when I heard a growl. And it was no ordinary growl. It sounded scarier than a grizzly it sounded.... Feral. My eyes widened and my pee shoved it's self up into my bladder. And probably changed itself to bloodcells. I pulled my bikini up and stood up. Of course me, I'm gonna check to see where it came from. So I turned around to the biggest things in my life. I felt my bloodcells turn to pee cells and I had to pee all over again.

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