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Just My Luck, Stuck With The Alpha.

Chapter Five:

I stared at the guy in front of me helping me up. I remember him from high school. He smirked a smile. Yep, still the same old Jaxon. I did my usual response to him, I rolled my eyes. "Hey stranger." I said smiling. He pulled me up and dusted me off.

"Hello lady." He then looked around and back at me. "What are you doing here?"

"I should ask you the same question shouldn't I?" I said my hands on my hips. He scratched his head.


"There's no need to be afraid of what you are Jaxon." I said.

"What do you mean?" He asked confused.

"I knew there was something different about you, you were waaay too strong to be on the football team." I said and skipped away. Jaxon chuckled.

"Where are you going?" He asked from down the hall.

"Somewhere you're not!" I called back and walked into the kitchen. The guys groaned and averted their eyes else where.

"Zev really needs to teach you the rules, Silver." Xerin said shoving a plate of food in my face.

"Well, I hate to crush anyone's dreams but I don't follow rules. I'm a rebel!"

"Shut up and eat." Xerin said annoyed. I grinned and stuck my bottom lip out.

"How am I supposed to eat without a utensil?" I said pouting. "Pwease give me a fork." I batted my eye lashes at him and he caved. I ate my food happily and talked with the guys about nothing in particular. But I do admit the food was quite delicious. Xerin is my new chef. Haha, he's really gonna hate that. But I don't even care! There were voices, a voice I heard recently and footsteps that were heading in this direction.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"Zev's home with his buddies." Xerin said.

"Oh." I said annoyed.

"Oh? Shit, this is good for me! I don't have to listen to you!" Xerin said. As soon as Zev walked in Xerin jumped up.

"What's wrong with you?" Zev asked amused.

"I canNOT do it! You. You took her, you watch her." Xerin said and left. Zev turned to me. I shrugged and blinked.

"What's up with Xerin?" Zev asked. The guys just laughed.

"I may have pushed a few of his buttons." I said fidgeting with my fingers.

"What did you do exactly?" He asked.

"Why are you asking me so many freaking questions?" I asked looking up at him now. His midnight blue hair was ruffled now and his eyes were excited. Somebody just got laid... I wonder who?

"Because I'm Alpha, and he's my brother." Zev said. I shrugged.

"He's not my problem. And if I have to tell you one more time I'll get upset. I do not follow your rules or anyone else's. So I'm not gonna listen to you whether you're Alpha or not." I said my head held high.

"Someone's a little cocky." One of the guys from behind Zev said.

"I'm not cocky. I'm honest. And I don't like the fact I was taken from my home to live with animals." I said. I could tell Zev was starting to get an attitude.

"Silver, just stop." Kelliot said. I raised my brow but my eyes never left Zevariah's. No matter what.

"Fine." I said sharply. "I'll stop." Zev chilled out and leaned against the kitchen door frame.

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