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My hands were tied to a chair. I was sitting in a dark room, I could barely see who or what was around me but I knew I wasn't alone. I could feel the presence of others and I could hear them breathing.

I tried to free myself but it was useless. I wasn't tied in ropes. I had some sort of cable around my wrist as well as the arms of the chair. It was impossible for me to break free. The cable was made in probably steel and the chair was definitely not wooden.

"What do you want from me?" I asked Alessio who I knew was in the room. The lights then turned on, revealing Alessio who was standing there in his glory.

"I?" He asked, pointing to himself, "I don't want anything from you. I didn't even know you existed until a day ago." He scoffed, "It's you who has been trying to find me, princess."

I stayed quiet and watched as he moved around the room. He then stopped and walked towards me, bending down to my level as I was sitting then he whispered in my ears, "Did nobody tell you that you don't find me. It's me who finds you?"

Of course I did. That's what they said about Alessio Romano. He was only eighteen when he took over his step father's empire. He's now twenty two. He had a perfect jawline, black hairs,, every visible part of his body that I was seeing were filled with tattoos. 

He was hot. Too bad he would be dead soon.

I scoffed at his words, showing him that I didn't care. He took a few steps back, "Now tell me, why do you want me dead? Is it personal? Or business?"

"It's private" I spat making him chuckle. It wasn't one filled with humor, no, it was a dark, threatening and humorless one. A chuckle that sent shiver down one's spine.

"You want to kill me and I'm not allowed to know why?" He asked, "Interesting. It's the first I'm hearing this crap."

"Did nobody ever tell you?" I asked, copying his question and mimicking his tone from earlier, "There's a first time for everything."

"Don't make me torture the answers out of you. I don't like torturing women." He spoke, "You have an hour to answer."

He was about to leave when he stopped and turned around, "I'm gonna order some pizza...God damn I'm hungry. Do you want?"

I was taken aback by his question. What kind of person asked his hostage if she wanted pizza?

"Me." Alessio replied,  as if reading my mind.

"Cheese." I replied to which he nodded before leaving. Well, at least I was getting a cheese pizza.

Around ten minutes later, Alessio entered the room with a box of pizza in his hand. The mere smell of the food watered my mouth. He placed the box on me before walking away.

"How the hell am I going to eat? my hands are tied." I looked down at my hands. Alessio sighed before gesturing for one of his men to untie me which he did.

"Before you think that you can escape this place, let me tell you it's useless. There are at least fifty men in and out and there are locked doors all the way, princess. Now eat, it's gonna get cold." He gestured to my pizza.

He was one weird man. I rubbed my wrist before starting to eat my pizza, ignoring the eyes on me. Minutes later, when he was done, he walked away and came back, holding a stick.

Was he going to beat me with that? Pathetic.

"Oh no, I'm not going to beat you up with that." He said, frowning as if he could read my mind. He showed me the stick, "I'm going to hold this like this" he held it with his two hands, horizontally, "Then I'm going to ask you questions."

"Right so what's the use of the stick?" I asked, furrowing my brows.

"See, if you piss me off, I'll hold the stick tight and the more you piss me off, I'll hold it tighter and tighter until it breaks." He explained, "And when it breaks then things won't be good for you, printsessa." (Princess)

"You aren't even Russian." I mumbled, internally rolling my eyes.

He smirked, "I see you've done your research. And yeah I know I'm not Russian but you see, they say I'm hot when I speak Russian."

"They? Who?"

"The girls." He smirked, "Now let's start, sì?" Right, he was an Italian but he was the Russian Mafia leader. That man was something else.

"Sì" I mimicked making him roll his eyes, "tie her again" and at his orders, his men came and tied me again.  I didn't bother to fight them off knowing that it was useless. "Why do you want me dead, princess?"

"I told you, it's private."

"You are so stubborn yet so hot" he muttered, "I could fuck the answers out of you."

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