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|Thea's POV|

I did not want to swim. All my scars would be revealed and I did not want him to see that.

"I'll wait for you outside then." Alessio said and walked towards the door. He was about to open it when he stopped and turned around, "Why do I have the feeling that you do not want to swim because you're here with me?"

"What? No! I just don't want to catch a cold." I replied almost instantly.

"Why are you lying?" He sighed, "you can swim in a shirt if you're worried about me looking at you inappropriately."

"That's not the problem." I stood up, "I don't have a problem with you staring at me."

"You don't?" He smirked, "so I can stare at you and you won't complain?"

"That's not what I meant." I rolled my eyes, walking towards the cupboard. I grabbed a plain shirt with long sleeve.  It was long enough to cover my scars.

I looked up at him and was about to tell him to leave so that I could change but he narrowed his eyes at the shirt in my hand. Just then a look of realization crossed his face, "You don't want me to see your scars. You're embarrassed of them, aren't you?"

I stayed quiet and gave my attention to the shirt in my hand as if they were the most interesting thing in the world. I heard him groan before I saw a shadow towered over me.

He raised my head with a finger and forced me to look at him. "You shouldn't be embarassed of them."

"I'm not embarassed." I muttered, "I'm disgusted."

"You shouldn't be." He bit his lip before inhaling sharply, "they show how strong you are and what you've been through. They show that you survived."

"I feel weak everytime I look at them." I attempted to look down but he made me look at him again. "I couldn't do anything. I just...let him do whatever he wanted."

"You couldn't have done anything." He tried to resonate, "you were alone against him. Plus, he was blackmailing you. I'm sure, if he wasn't holding onto your grandmother's life, you'd have ended him years ago."  He wasn't wrong but he wasn't right either.

"I've seen them, not all...but some." He said making my eyes widen slightly.


"When you were unconscious in the cell." He removed his finger from under my chin and ran his hand through his hairs before looking down at me. "Olivia showed me when she was treating your wounds."

I bit my lip nervously.  I was burnt, whipped, shot, cut, raped...everything you could possibly think of. It was a surprise that he was not disgusted. He knew what I had when he kissed me. He knew what I went through yet he did it. He wasn't bothered by the fact that I was scarred. He didn't care, he never did.

"You're one of the strongest woman I've met," he said, "it is a honour to have you in the Russian mafia, princess."

And they say that he's a monster. He is not one at all.

He place his hand on my waist and pulled me to him before he lowered his head and kissed my lips once, very gently.

"Kiss me back", He muttered, his lips still on mine, "please."

I wrapped my hand around his neck and kissed him back. He groaned, his grip tightening on my waist. He stepped forward making me take a step backward. He continued doing so until my back was pressed against the wall. He deepened the kiss, his other hand on the side of my face.

"Let me in." He mumbled between the kiss making me open my mouth, giving him access. He instantly shoved his tongue inside and our tongues battled for dominance which he won.

I unconsciously moaned in his mouth making his grip tightened more than it already was on my waist.

"Fuck." He let out a groan before breaking the kiss. He stepped away and turned around, his back facing me.

"Did...did I do something wrong?" I knew it was too good to last. Nothing ever lasts. He then turned around instantly and grabbed my face in between his large hands.

"No...No, you did nothing wrong. It's...it's me." He said in a low voice.

I knitted my brows, confusion clear on my face. "What do you mean?"

"I'm..." he trailed off, his hands going to the back of his neck before he scratched it nervously. I swear I saw his face reddening a bit. He was blushing. "I need a...cold shower."


I bit my lip nervously, but Alessio kissed me again, taking my bottom lip between his own teeth for a quick, painless nip before letting me go again.

"You're so fucking intoxicating." He then kissed me again, this time with more passion before he walked out of the room.

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