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Warning : This chapter contains torture scenes.


|Alessio's POV|

The smell of blood, sweat and dead bodies filled my nostrils as I made my way inside the basement.

I grabbed the keys for the cell in which Luigi was in. I opened the iron door and entered the cell. It was dark, with only a bulb in the middle of the room Luigi was hanged just below the light bulb with chains. His hands were held above his head and his body was hanging. He had only his boxers on. I had a few men remove his clothes and feed him five minutes ago.

"I hope you slept well" I said sarcastically before making my way towards the wall. I typed a password on my phone which made the wall part away and reveal a tablet filled with different torture weapons. I grabbed a sharp knife before walking towards him.

"Why are you doing this to me?" He asked bravely, "I haven't done anything to you. Even if I did, I already paid for it! I never hurt you!"

"You never hurt me because you know you can't." I replied coldly, "but however, you did hurt someone I care about."

"Who? Thea?" He asked, "you care about her? How pathetic! I thought you were broken after that Liliana incident." He began laughing, "you're that desperate that you're using that whore now?"

That was it. I stabbed the knife in his right breast, making sure not to hit any important organs. He screamed in pain.

"It hurts doesn't it?" I tilted my head to the side, examining his face, "imagine how much pain she went through every fucking day." I twisted the knife in his skin making him scream even louder.

"Fuck!" He hissed, "she told you about this? What a bit-" he was cut off by his own scream as I removed the knife from his skin only to stab him again, "-stop! I'm sorry! It hurts...it Hurts!!!" I noticed a tear fall from his eyes which made me even angrier.

"You bought this on yourself." I didn't bother to remove the knife. My eyes fell on the amount of blood on the floor and the amount gushing out from him. It's fine. He would not die. I took the bottle of alcohol before emptying it carelessly on his wounds. He screamed again.

I then grabbed another knife and stabbed it in his right arm before dragging it down, ripping open his skin. I was covered in his disgusting blood but I could not care less.

All I could think about was how much he tortured Thea everyday. I was so concentrated on inflicting pain in him that I could no longer hear his screams.

"Stop! Stop...! Please!" He cried and struggled against the chains only to feel more pain due to the knife which was still in his skin. I then removed the knife from his right breast earning another scream from it. I engraved two words and a name on his chest. 'I'm sorry, Thea.'

"W-What a-a-are y-y-you w-wri-ting?" He asked weakly, throwing his head back from the pain. He had no strength to struggle, no voice to scream.

"I guess you'll never know." I replied in an emotionless voice.

"I know y-youre d-oing this f-for T-Thea. T-th-is g-girl i-is mess-in-g w-i-th y-your h-head." He stuttered weakly.

"She is, isn't she?" I asked, taking a step backward from him to admire my masterpiece. "As a matter of fact, I do not mind that she is. I'm loving every second of it."

"Y-y-you li-like h-he-her." He stated, his eyes widening slightly.

"Like?" I asked back before scoffing, "it's not even close to what I feel for her. I simply can't understand that feeling." I paused before fixing a letter on his body. "Anyway, I'll now take your leave."

I then turned around and left, closing the door behind me. I walked in front of my men who didn't even react when they saw that I was filled with blood. Seeing me covered in blood was a normal thing for them.

I walked straight to Olivia's cabin. I opened the door and found her eating her sandwich in a corner. She turned around and gagged when she saw me. She placed her sandwich aside, "you made me lose my appetite."

"There's a man in the basement that requires your immediate attention." I spoke, ignoring what she said. She rolled her eyes before replying, "on a scale of one to hundred, how bad is it?"

I shrugged, "hundred." I then walked away. I went to my room, took a bath before going to her room. Thea and I made a plan last night that we would watch a movie every night in her room.

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