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|Alessio's POV|

There she was, standing there, looking as perfect as always in her long black gown that Maria sent specially for her. The dress code was black so we all had to wear black.

I was wearing a black suit which was sent to the main mansion earlier today by Maria.  If it was upto me I would've worn a black shirt and black matching jeans and shoes but Maria strictly warned me not to ruin her charity ball. And trust me that lady can be pretty scary when she wants to. She isn't someone you'd want to mess with.

"Hey," she smiled, "you're looking nice."

"You too," I smirked when she rolled her eyes, "you look stunning. Are you ready to go?" She nodded as we centered the car and I drove to the place where the event was being held.

A charity ball by the De Lucas was a huge thing considering they're one of the most powerful families in the world. They were several people present, each accompanied by a date. They were all dressed in gowns and suits.

When I entered the place with Thea hands in mine, all eyes were on us. Thea's grip tightened on my hand, not used to all this attention. They all knew who I was. For those involved in the mafia; the psychotic mafia leader and for those who were unaware of the mafia stuff; the cold hearted CEO of Romano Cooperation.

I shot them a glare which made them advert their eyes immediately.

"Stop scaring these poor souls," said a familiar voice which made both me and Thea snap our head in it's direction. There, stood Sean with a girl hanging on his arms.

"Hi sis!" He shot Thea a wide smile, "you look pretty."

"Thank you," Thea smiled back, her eyes falling on the woman clinging to Sean as if her life depended on it, "who's she?"

The woman shot her a disgusted look, "who are you? How dare you even look at my man?"

"Watch it bitch!" Thea said, her voice cold, "I could kill you within seconds."

The woman was taken aback. She visibly gulped and clutched to Sean tighter.

"And you couldn't find better than that?" I asked, smirking at Sean who rolled his eyes, "she begged me, went on her knees, and was ready to kiss my feet for it. I cringed so bad, I swear. I kinda felt bad for her."

"That desperate?"

"Yep," he replied, nodding, "alright you guys, have fun."

"Hey baby you're gonna buy me one of those necklaces that are being auctioned right?" The woman asked Sean as they were walking away.

"I'm not  wasting a penny on you, woman. Go buy your own shit." Sean replied rudely making me chuckle.

"There you are!" Maria exclaimed, approaching us with Ricardo beside her. Enzo and Lea were behind her, talking to a couple with Nick standing beside Lea and Enzo holding Eli.

"You look absolutely gorgeous, darling!" Maria smiled brightly at Thea who smiled back before thanking her, "the dress is perfect. Thank you for this."

Maria waved her off, "you don't have to thank me, darling. Now, come on, you two, everybody's going to slow dance."

I scoffed, "you are not serious."

She raised her brows at me, "oh, I am." I glanced at Ricardo who nodded, "she is."

"I am not dancing," I stated, "I have a reputation to maintain." Maria rolled her eyes before shooting me a glare, "excuse my language but I don't give a fuck about your reputation, son. You're here and you're going to dance with your woman."

"No I'm no—" I was cut off by the sound of my new phone ringing. I had to buy a phone earlier today since my girlfriend broke my previous phone.

"I'll be right back," I said, looking at Thea who smiled before nodding. I then went outside to answer the call.

"You disturbed me." I spoke as soon as I answered it, "this better be important."

"We found out where Luigi is," Igor replied, seriousness filled in his voice, "he's here, in this country."

"Do we know his exact location?"

"No," he responded, "but we're trying to find him. I just wanted to tell you to stay on your guard all the time. That's it." I then disconnected the call.

He could be at this ball. But then again, he isn't stupid to attack me in front of everyone. Where the fuck are you Luigi? Plus, there's a bounty on his head.

Sighing, I turned around and entered the ballroom again. I saw everybody slow-dancing to the music. My eyes scanned the place, looking for Thea.

I was getting worried. However, my worry turned into anger when I saw a man talking to her.

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