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"When are you going to tell her?"

"I don't know" he confessed, "I really don't know whether I should tell her or not."

"You're her god damn brother for fuck's sake! She deserves to know who she really is and you are going to tell her or I shall." I was serious.

Sean let out a frustrated sigh, "I need to find out why she was kidnapped first. I need your help for that. She was taken away by the Knights then adopted by...I don't know who."

"Rafael Gonzalez adopted her." I replied, "the leader of the Mexican Mafia. I killed him six years ago, she was then raised by Luigi Gonzalez, his brother, her adopted uncle."

"So she's..." Sean trailed off, finding the right word, "family with the Mexican Mafia?"

"I wouldn't say family. They treated her like a slave." I clenched my jaw thinking of what Luigi said over the phone days ago.

"You mean, they abused her?" Sean asked, my eyes falling on his fist clenching to his sides.

I hummed in response, "abuse, rape, torture—you name it, they did it."

"Fuck" Sean breathed out, "I'm gonna declare war on the fucking Mexican mafia."

"Don't be stupid", I looked up at him and found him looking at me with a confused as well as frustrated look. "Don't be stupid? They fucked her life up!"

"I know. War is not necessary. Play smart." I shot him a serious look, "She's legally the adopted daughter of Rafael Gonzalez and she is twenty one."

"So? I'm not following." He was as confused as ever which made me refrain myself from checking whether he had a brain or not.

"On papers, her name is Thea Gonzalez. She is the legally adopted daughter of Rafael Gonzalez, the previous leader of the Mexican Mafia. As per the rules, the mafia should've been for Thea but since she was not of age when Rafael died, the empire was given to Luigi. When Thea turned eighteen, she inherited everything. So, legally, the Mexican Mafia is hers." I explained and watched as Sean's brows knitted in....confusion yet again.

"So you're telling me that my sister is a...." he trailed off.

"She is a fucking mafia queen."

Sean's mouth formed an 'O' in realization, "Now what?"

"Thea can't take over since she swore Omerta to the Russian Mafia but that does not mean she can't use the fact that she's legally allowed to take over the Mexican mafia to her advantage." I said as I walked towards a table where my laptop was.

I opened it and hacked into Rafael Gonzalez's personal and private files. Rafael was a fool. His things were not secured, it was no secret how his informations were easily stolen in the past.

I searched for the mafia position document and began reading what was written. When I was done, I looked at Sean who was staring at me expectantly, "What did you find?"

"The reason why Luigi has been keeping her alive is because if she dies, the empire goes to her heir and if she does not have a heir, it goes to the Golden Children orphanage..." which was a shocker. Rafael wasn't a man who would just let all his money go to an orphanage. That was so...not a Rafael thing to do.

"There must be something at that Orphanage. What's there in an orphanage?" Sean muttered to which I replied, "There are children obviously."

Just then the door flew open and Enzo stepped in, holding Eliza in his arms, "what's going on here?"

"Ever heard of privacy?" Sean asked with an annoyed tone making Enzo roll his eyes. I walked towards him, "hand over my niece."

He handed me Eliza. She was literally the cutest baby girl I've seen. She was mostly after Lea but had Enzo's eyes. She smiled at me before giggling as I tickle her tummy. She was not even one.

"Imagine Alessio being a dad" Enzo suddenly blurted out making me frown, "No, thank you."

"You'd make such a great dad." Sean joined in, "both Nick and Eli loves you."

"Yeah because they're mindless at the moment." I responded, looking down at Eli who was tracing the dragon tattoo on my wrist with her tiny fingers.

"You are good with kids." Enzo said, to which I internally roll my eyes. I did it too much today and my eyes were begining to hurt.

"You pamper them." Sean added, nodding to what Enzo said.

"I pamper them so that when they grow up, they remember who gave them things when nobody else would." I explained, "and then they'll feel indebted to me."

"You pamper them because you love them."

"I love them because they're from my sister." I said, ignoring how weird it was saying that, "and they're the only ones who don't judge me because they simply can't."

"We don't judge you either."

"Save me the lies" I muttered, "How many times did you two call me insane or mentally disturbed or a psycho because I torture people?" I asked without looking at them, "how many times did either of you ask me why I torture people? Or try to understand why I do what I do? Zero."

They were silent. They knew I was right. I don't blame them for thinking I'm insane. I never said anything to them about that but I wasn't insane. I was mentally stable.

Enzo would torture people to but never the way I would. Lea stopped torturing people years ago. But I couldn't just stop. Sean preferred quick death.

Torturing people was the only way that made me forget all the pain I was mentally going through. They think they know my life story but they don't. 

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