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|Alessio's POV|

"Helloooo? Anybody home?" I made my way inside Luigi's ugly private house. All his guards were dead outside.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? You can't just go in!"  One of his men grabbed my arm, trying to stop me from getting further inside.

I grabbed his hand on my arm before twisting it. He yelped in pain as I pushed him away making him fall on the ground, clutching to his hand. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" He groaned.

"Boss?" Igor called out making me turn around, "what?"

"What are we doing here?" He asked as confused as ever. I did not tell them where we would go or what we would do. I just told them to come with me.

"We are going to have a nice chat with Luigi fucking Gonzalez." I replied, rolling up my sleeve. I bent down and held the man by his collar, "where is he?"

"He isn't here." He replied, in a low voice. "P-Please I haven't d-done an-anything!"

"For your own sake, I hope you aren't lying to me." I said coldly before throwing him away. His head made contact with the wall behind him.

"I w-won't lie t-to y-you. I'm n-not lying." He stuttered, "I know wh-who y-you are."

"Then tell me where he is." I demanded, narrowing my eyes at him. He gulped, "he'll kill me if I tell you."

"Oh well I'll kill you if you don't tell me." I titled my head to the side, "would you rather die now? I won't tell him that it was you. Fuck, I don't even know your name. So, tell me. Snitch, sweetheart."

"He's at his private club." He confessed, "where he's probably selling woman to get money."

He is selling what?

"Where's that private club of his?" I asked, raising my brows at the man in front of me. "I don't know." He raised his hands, "I swear, I don't."

"You swear on your life?" I asked to which he nodded without hesitation, "I swear on my life. I do not know where it iis. Only his right hand and people close to him knows."

I turned around, "we are leaving."

My men nodded and we left. There was no way I would be able to find out where his private club was. I tried finding it but it was impossible. Looks like that club was really important to him.

"We are returning to the mansion?" Igor asked, closing the car door. I started the car, "no. I know someone who might know where the club is."


"Thea." I replied, my grip tightening on the steering wheel, "call her."

"I don't have her number." He replied making me sigh. I didn't have her number either.

"Maybe Macy does." He said more to himself than I before he called Macy. She answered on the first ring itself, "Hey baby. Missing me already?"

"Do you have Thea's number?" He asked, getting straight to the point.

"Bruh" Macy groaned, "I thought you called me to tell me that you were gonna take me on a date or something."

"You know I'm busy…" Igor sighed, "I would if I were not. Tell me, do you have her number? It's for boss."

"Is she there with you?" He asked as I , tappingmy fingers on the steering wheel impatiently.

"No I'm actually at my mother's place right now. She's at the mansion with Sean. Why? What's wrong?" She asked, sounding worried.

"There's nothing wrong." He replied, "I'll talk to you later."

"Okay. Bye! Love you!" She chirped before hanging up. Igor turned to look at me with a sigh, "this is unbelievable!"

I pulled the car to a stop before taking out my phone. I then called Sean who answered instantly, "Yo, bro. what's up?"

"Is Thea there with you?" I asked which made him laugh, "Yes, yes she is. Why?"

"Get her on the phone."

"Ew bro! What the fuck? You can't tell me those things. Tell her that. I know…I know! You've already told me that you find her hot a million times!I don't want to hear it again. She's my sister for God's sake!" Sean said making my brows furrow in confusion.

What was he doing?

"Oh you want to speak to her? Okay…sure..." I heard shuffling on the other side and then I heard her soft voice, "Hello?"

"I didn't say anything like that to Sean. Don't believe whatever he told you." I said instantly and heard her chuckle, "I won't." I heard Sean laugh before she asked, "What do you need?"

"Do you know where Luigi's private club is?"

"Yes" she replied.

"Tell me."

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