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"Wait! What?!" Macy shouted, catching the attention of everyone at the breakfast table. She shot them an apologetic look before looking at me again and said in a much quieter voice, "what? Did he really? Did you guys do…the deed?"

My cheeks reddened at the mere thought of that. Did I want him? Maybe. But I did not want it to be a night stand or a one time thing. I did not want to be used. I've been used enough.

"No?" She questioned, judging by my expression, "alright so let me get this straight…he kissed you. He took you to his beach house. He is protecting you. He killed Giana because she called you a whore among other things. And you've got a bounty on your head?"

I nodded, shoving a piece of pancake in my mouth. We were at the breakfast table sitting and having breakfast with the others except Alessio who had to leave earlier than usual.

I've been receiving looks ever since I came and sat down. The members were shooting me accusing looks for I don't know what reasons, some were giving me shocked or disgusted looks, while others were just smiling at me.


"I think he fancies you." Macy blurted out making me choke on the food in my mouth. She quickly handed me a glass of water which I gulped in one go. I took a deep breath and placed the glass on the table before looking at her, "you're being delusional."

"No, no, I'm not." She smirked, "why else would he kiss you? Protect you? Kill someone for you? Hm? Think, Thea, think!"

"No he does not fancy me or anything." I refused to believe that he fancied me. He's…well…a mafia boss while I'm a 'troubled assassin'.

Before either I or Macy could say anything else, someone covered my eyes with what I assumed was their hands.

"Guess who?",asked the familiar voice.

"Sean?" I asked, smiling. He then removed his hand and I turned my head to see him, "Hey, Good morning."

"Hey little sis." He smiled, "good morning." He pulled an empty chair beside me before taking a seat. The members of the Russian Mafia were looking at him with shocked expressions which made me confused.

"Oh it's just that I never sat and ate here before." Sean explained, "it's just that, whenever I would come, I'd talk with Alessio and leave."

"Did he just call you lil sis?" Macy asked, grabbing the attention of everyone.

"She's my sister." Sean replied, smiling at Macy whose eyes widened slightly, "but she works for the Russian?"

"Long story, short, we didn't know that we were siblings until Alessio's birthday party." I replied and heard her gasp. Why was she being so…dramatic?

"Stop staring at us!" Sean snapped at the people who were looking at us instead of eating their breakfasts, "eat and go." He then motioned for the cook to make him one pancake. The cook nodded her head at him before starting to make his food.

"What have you been upto? How was your time at the beach?" Sean asked, looking at me. A smile found it's way onto my face as I remember yesterday. "I take it you had a lot of fun." He shot me a knowing smirk.

"I did but not that kind of fun, though." I replied, rolling my eyes. He grinmed, "I know. He would've told me if he slept with you."

"He would?"

He then laughed before shaking his head, "I wish! but no, of course not…"

"Is there still the bount—" he cut me off, "at the moment, yes. But Alessio went to take care of it. That's why he left early today. And that's why I'm here, in case anyone here decided to go against their boss's orders."

"Hey..." Macy joined in, "how many people have tried to…you know…get you to Luigi?"

"I don't know" I shrugged, "nobody has tried to…yet."

"That's what you think." Sean said, smiling, "five hundred and twenty seven men and women has been looking for you."

"They haven't found me yet?"

"Twenty three did." Sean replied, "the others couldn't."

"So...where are the the twenty three people now?" Macy asked, knitting her brows in curiosity.

Sean scratched the back of head just as his plate of pancake was placed in front of him. He thanked the cook who smiled before walking away. He dug in his food, not replying to Macy's question.

"I asked you a question." Macy frowned making Sean glance at her, "I heard you."

"Then why aren't you replying?" I asked to which he sigh, "Alessio forbade me to tell you this."

"Tell me." I said, "please?"

He look at me quickly before looking back at his pancake, then he let out a groan, "you didn't have to be this cute…you know?" he muttered, "don't tell him I told you. Promise?"


He then looked at Macy expectantly. She nodded, "I won't tell him. I promise."

"Fine." He exhaled, "He killed them all."

"All the twenty three people?" Macy asked to which he nodded, "just to keep you safe." Wow. Now I feel guilty.

"When did he do that?"

"On the day the bounty was placed." Sean confessed, "they were quick to want some bloody millions." He scoffed before smirking, "and he was quick to kill them."

"He didn't torture them?"

"Nope", he took a bite of his pancake, and spoke with his mouth full, "he wash too bishy shoo shorshure shem."

Macy stared at him weirdly as if he as speaking an alien language.

"He was too busy to torture them." I told her. Her mouth formed an 'O' before she shot me a smile, "thanks."

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