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|Thea's POV|

I was not the only one with scars. He was too, yet he was showing them proudly.

Alessio was staring at me with an emotion in his eyes that I could not quite decipher.

"You wore the underwear I chose for you" He was holding back a smirk, "cute."

"Why do you keep saying cute?" I muttered. I was not cute.

"Because I find you cute, princess." He replied truthfully. His eyes then roamed around my body shamelessly.

"Stop staring."

"You stared too." He retorted with a scoff.

Ignoring what he said, I turned around and walked further in the sea where the water reached up till my waist.

I ran my hand in the water, finding it calming. It was complete silence between us two until I heard the sound of the water moving, which meant that he was walking. I felt his presence behind me.

"Did you know that Thea means goddess in Greek?" He asked, his lips touching my right ear as he spoke which made me suck in a sharp breath.

"I did." I replied in a low voice. I could hear my heart beating in my head. He had no idea what he was doing to me…or maybe he did.

"Do you have any idea what you do to me?" He asked, his hand rested on my bare stomach. I swear, I felt what they call, butterflies. I've never felt that before.

"You're driving me crazy…"  His other hand removed the strands of hairs from my shoulder. He trailed his nose down my neck before placing a lingering kiss there. His lips were like fire on my skin. He then placed his other hand on my waist before replacing his lips with his tongue making my eyes flutter close at the intensity.

"You like that, don't you, princess?" He trailed the tip of his tongue down my neck as I threw my head backwards only to hit his shoulder.He let out a groan as I felt myself being pressed to him.

He then spun me around so that I was facing him before taking my lips in his. Both his hands were on my waist as I welcomed his tongue in my mouth. He savored and consumed me, with a kiss more aggressive than any he'd given me before. It made my knees go weak. My fingers played with his soft hairs while I unconsciously pressed my body closer to him.

He bit my lip softly before muttering, "How much control do you think I have?" His fingers were digging in my waist.

I stared at him in confusion until I felt his…erection through his pants which undoubtedly made my cheeks go red. I tried to turn around or look away, not wanting him to see me blush but he didn't let me. He held me still, a hand reaching up to touch my face.

"You're blushing." He chuckled, "that's cute."

"You blushed too." I retorted, "earlier."

"I did not." He scoffed, "I do not blush."

"But you did. Believe it or not, you did blush and I saw it." I poked his cheeks with a finger, chuckling, "you look cute when you blush."

"I'm not cute and I do not blush." He frowned, "I think it's time to return to the mansion." He then lowered his head and kissed me one more time before walking away.

I walked into the house, went to my room, took a bath and changed into my casual clothes before going downstairs where I saw Alessio standing with his car keys in his hand.


He pulled the car to a stop. I opened the car door and stepped out. It was around seven thirty in the evening.

We entered the mansion and everyone stopped doing what they were doing to look at us. They all had shocked expressions on their faces except Igor who had a smirk.

My eyes fell on Giana, who had a bandage wrapped just right under her collarbone where I stabbed her. A smirk found it's way onto my face.

"What were you two doing?" She asked, taking a step forward hesitantly.

"Who are you?" Alessio asked back making me look up at him. He was staring at her with an annoyed look. His eyes then fell on her bandage and a look of realization crossed his face, "Ugh…it's you."

"You remember who I am?" Giana asked with a gasp.

Alessio let out a groan, "you're the woman who got stabbed by Thea yesterday."

"That's how you remember me?" She raised her voice, angry, "as the woman who was stabbed by your whore?!"  Her eyes then widened as she realized the tone she used to talk to her boss. "I'm s-sorry..." She stuttered.

"You called her a whore?" Alessio asked, his tone cold. Giana shook her head, "I'm s-sorry. I've h-had a s-slip of t-tongue."

"You questioned me." Alessio ignored what she said, "and you raised your voice at me."

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean t—" she was cut off by a bullet right in her throat.

"Oops." He muttered, putting his gun back in his waistband. We all watch as her body fell on the ground, dead with blood gushing out of her. "My finger slipped."

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