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|Alessio's POV|

I made my way inside the mansion after dropping my mom home. The mansion was surprisingly quiet. I glanced at my watch and realized that it was dinner time.

The men who came with me took Luigi as well as Andrey down to the basement while I went to the dinning room. I was surprised to see everyone sitting and eating dinner while talking with Thea every now and then. She was eating, smiling, laughing and chatting with them all.

She was nearly done with her food. A plan cooked up in my mind which made me smirk. Without letting her nor anyone else notice my presence, I went upstairs in her room. I entered her room and closed the door before sitting on her bed, waiting for her.

After around five minutes, I heard light footsteps coming in this direction. I quickly got up and hid behind the door. The door flew open and Thea stepped inside.

The lights were off, the room was dark. She could not see me but I could see her. As soon as she closed the door and turned around, I wrapped my arms around her from behind which made her jump.

I burried my face in the crook of her neck making her inhale sharply.



"You got a nickname for me?" I asked, placing a kiss on her neck. "Cute."

"You call me princess so..." she trailed off, my hands grabbed her hands before I turned her around to face me. I wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into a kiss, as she melted into me, pressing as close as she could, and still I wanted to be closer. Her fingers threading into my hair while my tongue explored her mouth.

I walked backwards until my back was pressed against the wall. In a swift move, hers was pressed against the wall while I was hovering over her. Minutes later, I broke the kiss.

Staring into her eyes, I lightly slid his tongue across her bottom lip. She drew a deep, staggered breath in response. Then, with an intense urgency, I dipped my tongue past her lips, caressing her tongue with mine. A shallow hum escaped from within her in response to how I was making her feel. I could feel my body responding to her. I was breathing heavier than I was. I needed to stop but I did not want to.

I gently pressed my lips against hers and pulled back a little before looking away, exhaling.

"I want you to come with me tomorrow." I said to which she tilted her head slightly to the side, "where?"

"A dinner" I replied, "with the De Lucas. Actually, they do some sort of family gathering every once in a month. I haven't been attending past few months. So, will you come with me? I'll introduce you as my girlfriend."

She nodded with a bright smile on her face, "of course!" I smiled before placing a kiss on her forehead, "I'll go take a bath then we can watch a movie."

"I'll choose. Last night you chose." She said to which I groan, "fine...just don't choose a romance one."

"Sure..." she trailed off shooting me a taunting grin, "go take your bath. I'll wait for you."

Something was cooking up in that mind of hers. I shot her a curious look before going to my room. After taking a bath, I went to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and took out a box of ice cream. Then I grabbed two spoon before going to her room.

I pushed the door open and found all lights off. She was lying in the middle of the bed with the blanket over her. The only lights in the room was the light the TV was emiting.

"What movie did you put?" I asked getting on the bed next to her before handing her a spoon.

"You'll see" She grabbed the spoon before playing the movie. The movie started and a background music started playing which made me furrow my brows in curiosity.

"You're not serious..." I muttered, looking at her weirdly, "no we are not watching that!"

"Yes, we are." She nodded, "if you don't want to watch...you can leave. The door is right there." She pointed to the door making me roll my eyes, "why this out of all the movies?"

She placed her finger on my lips, "shh...it's starting."

"You want to turn me on or what?" I asked to which she let out a chuckle, "no, of course not. I just wanted to watch it. But it's not my fault if you get turned on." I glanced at her and saw her fighting a smile.

"Fuck you" I muttered, resting my head against the headrest. I can't believe she's making me watch fifty shades of Grey. I don't know what they see in Christian Grey. He's so...plain. He looks like a big horny baby. He's all, you can't touch me...you can't do this, you can't do that. Only I can touch you and stuff.

If I were Anna, I'd fill a domestic violence complaint. Then I'd take my body and get the fuck out. He can fuck himself in jail for abuse.

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