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|Thea's POV|

"You can never beat me." Enzo said to Lea with a smirk. She rolled her eyes before looking at me, "can you hold her while I go teach that idiot a lesson, please?"

I nodded before taking Eli from her. Lea shot me a grateful smile before walking towards Enzo. She grabbed the stick and positioned it on the pool table, "I'll show you just how I do it."

"Bring it on." Enzo still had his smirk plastered on his face. Alessio and Antonio were playing Xbox. Blake and Marissa were watching them play.

I felt a hand touching my necklace. I looked down and saw Eli trying to reach the necklace I was wearing.

"You're so cute, you know that?" I smiled down at her as I sat down on the couch there. She smiled back,her eyes widening a little as she was finally able to touch the necklace.

"Hellooo," Nick sat beside me, looking at me while swinging his legs, "what are you doing?"

"I'm...I think I'm...babysitting..?" I don't even know what I'm doing. I thought I was going on to play pool, guess not.

"Hi!" I looked up and saw Marissa standing there with a bright smile. She then took a seat beside me, on my left while Nick was on my right. I smiled back at her, "Hi."

"I'm Marissa but you probably already know that." She chuckled, "anyway, I thought I'd keep you company. I have nothing to do and you seem…rather bored. You're an assassin too, right?"

I nodded. She bit her lip before asking nervously, "h-have you…have you ever killed someone?"

"Obviously," I replied, fighting the urge to roll my eyes. I was not trying to be rude. It's just that, it's obvious. Of course, an assassin assassinates people, it's in the name itself.

"I'll never get used to this." She let out a nervous chuckle, "this whole mafia, assassin thing."

"You will," I reassured, flashing her a reassuring smile. Eli held my finger with her hand before letting out a giggle.

"Aw!!" A high pitched voice cooed, "she is soo cute!!!" I saw Nick cringing at Flores's voice. I looked up at saw her standing right in front of me, staring down at Eli.

"We know that. Thanks." Nick replied sarcastically, rolling his eyes at Flores who shot him a disgusted look, "shut up! Nobody rang your bell, you ill-mannered brat!"

I shot her a frustrated look, "don't speak to him like that!"

She crossed her arms and raised her brows at me, "or what? Huh? What are you gonna do? Complain to your little boyfriend about it?" She let out a laugh, "whore. I'm sure he does not love you. He's just using you, you're a pathetic slut!"

"This is so uncalled for." I muttered before looking at Marissa, "can you hold her?" She nodded before taking Eli from my lap.

I then stood up and was about to say something but Flores dared to raise her hand to slap me. However, before her hand could touch me, I grabbed it and twisted it behind her back. She yelped when I pressed it further to her back. My other hand found it's way on her neck as I shoved her against the wall.

The chatters in the game room died down which made me assume that they were looking at what was happening. I had my back facing the others.

"How dare you?" I tightened my grip around her throat, "you tried to slap me? Do you have a death wish?!" She began choking. All I wanted was to see her dead. Suddenly, I was pulled away from her. "What are you doing?" asked the familiar voice of Alessio. His voice was calm but curious.

He turned me around so that I was looking at him.

"That bitch right there insulted me and him" I pointed to Nick, "I had to teach her a lesson."

"What did she say to you?" Alessio asked, narrowing his eyes at me. I was about to reply but Nick beat me to it, "she called me an ill-mannered brat and she called her a whore…something that that. I don't know what it means and she also said that uncle Essio is only using her."  I saw Alessio clench his jaw as he heard what Nick said.

The others were all shooting daggers with their eyes, at Flores who was holding her neck in her hand and breathing heavily. Alessio wrapped his arms around me while muttering, "I'm not using you, princess."

"I know," I muttered back, wrapping my arms around him also, "she just made me angry."

"Get the fuck out of here, Flores!" Lea shouted at her. I then heard footsteps hurriedly leaving the place. I let out a sigh and felt him hugging me tighter, "so, you're in for a match with me?"

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