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My eyes fell on the finish line. Alessio was centimetres away from it. That's it. I knew I was going to lose.

Just when I thought he would Cross the line and win, he did not. His car began going back and forth slowly. His car was…breaking down? I then accelerated the car once again and managed to surpass Alessio. As soon as my car crossed the finishing line, the crowd errupted in shouts and claps.

I looked behind me and saw Alessio's car still on the spot it was. His car really did break down. Jace and Alex followed soon after me. I stepped out of my car and received a lof of pats on my back, shoulder and even head like some child. I then saw Alessio walking up to me, wearing a look I couldn't decipher on his face. Jace and Alex followed behind him. The crowd parted, giving them a way to come near me.

Jace and Alex engulfed me in a hug. "Congratulations! Are you sure this was your first time?" Alex asked to which I nodded. Jace then smirked, "well, you're a natural."

After receiving congratulations from almost everyone, they walked away and Alessio made his way towards me.

"Congrats, princess." He said, flashing me a smile. I tilted my head to the side before asking, "your car broke down?"

"Apparently," he nodded, looking at his car which was now being repaired by mechanics. "It's unfortunate, really."

"Why do I have the feeling that you let me win?" I stared at him carefully. He instantly shook his head, "no, I did not."

"Yes, you did. I'm sure you just faked the whole car breakdown thing." I muttered with a scoff. When he didn't say anything, my suspicions were confirmed. "You really did let me win!" He let out an annoyed grunt before saying, "fine, yes, I did let you win."

"Why?" I narrowed my eyes at him. He shrugged, "got a slight change of heart at the last minute. I did not want to see you lose."

"So…does that mean Jace and Alex—" he cut me off, shaking his head, "no these two are real sore losers." I chuckled at that before smiling at him, "that was really nice of you."

"It was your first time. Next time I'll kick your ass." He promised with a smirk. I rolled my eyes before planting a kiss on his cheek.

"I don't want you to kiss me there." He rolled his eyes before lowering his head. He then placed his lips on mine, ksising me passionately. Seconds later, the passionate kiss turned into a hungry one. He lifted me and placed me on the car before placing himself in between my legs. His one hand were rested on my neck while the other one on my thoughts and my hands were both wrapped around his neck.

"Do you have any idea how hot you looked while racing?" He muttered, before biting my lip softly. He then kissed me deeply before trailing wet kisses down my jawline to my neck. My hands gripped his hair tighter and I unconsciously wrapped my leg around him, pulling him closer.

I held a breath when his hand made his way in between my legs. He did not seem to realize what he was doing. He moved his mouth from my neck and kissed me again, shoving his tongue inside, exploring every inch. I gasped when his hand made contact with my lower area through my jeans. I was undeniably soaking.

"Fuck." He muttered before removing his hand. "I want you so bad, princess. I've never wanted anyone as much I want you." He then parted away and I jumped off the car, straightening my hairs. He fixed his jacket and hair as well before smiling at me. "Do you want to spend some time with your grandmother today?"

My eyes widened at his question. He was being weirdly nice to me. First, he didn't go to work, second, he took me out, third, he let me win and now he's asking me whether I want to spend some time with my grandmother. What's wrong with him?— not that I'm complaining.

"Of course." I replied as he held my hand and we walked towards his car. We both got in and he started the car before starting to drive.

"Do you want to go on a date with me?" He asked casually, his eyes fixed on the road ahead.

"A date?" I repeated, trying to mask my surprise. He hummed, "yes."

"I've never been on a date before," I admitted, looking outside at the trees we were passing by.

"You just have to sit, eat and talk if you want to." He said it like it was the easiest thing in the world, "it's just me. Relax."

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