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|Alessio's POV|

Gabriel cleared his throat, clearly embarassed. "I- I own a souvenir shop in Paris." He replied, truthfully this time.

"That's nice," Thea shot him a smile despite his previous lie, "there's nothing to be embarassed about."

Gabriel blinked a few times before smiling back at her, "thank you. It's just that Flores never appreciate my job. She says she's embarassed because of what I do. Thing is, I love my shop." Gabriel admitted, "but because my daughter says it will make us look poor and stupid, she told me to lie."

I glared at Flaws who was looking down, embarassed. What a fucking bitch!

"Bruh" Blake groaned, rolling his eyes, "you should be ashamed of yourself, woman."

"How can you live with yourself?" Nick asked, even though he did not understand anything. He saw everyone shooting glares at Flaws so he decided to join in. It was something I taught him.

"If I were you, I'd disown the bitch." Antonio spoke up, taking a bite of his food.

My eyes fell on Lana who was looking at her husband with her face red. She was also embarassed of his job. Now, I feel bad for Gabriel. He was just a man working hard to feed his ungrateful family. If I were him, I'd sell these fuckers.

They did not bother to watch their language in front of the kids. They already knew half of the bad words in the world. Izzy and Freddy barely spoke a word. They were both shy like their father, Paulo. When the two were smaller, they'd talk non stop but now, you barely hear their voice.

"Daddy's job sucks. I hate sitting at that ugly shop and see the faces of those stupid clients." Florence complained, shoving the food carelessly in her mouth.

"Stop complaining." Thea gritted her teeth at the woman, "there are some people out there who does not even have a job and you're complaining because you do not like your dad's job. You're so fucking stupid! Why don't you go work your ass off and see how hard it is?"

Spoken like a fucking Queen.

Florence and Layla was taken aback by Thea's outburst. However, the others, including myself, were looking at her proudly.  Thea seemed taken aback by her own outburst. She cleared her throat before taking a bite of her food.

"That was awesome." Antonio said with a grin.

"Serves her right." Blake added, to which Margaret nodded, "I agree." Maria and Ricardo shot Thea a tight smile while Lea nudged her softly and whispered loud enough for me to hear, "you'll make an amazing queen for the Russian mafia."

A blush crept up to her face at Lea's words but she said nothing. She will undoubtedly make an amazing Queen.

Florida cleared her throat and looked down at her food again while Linda patted her daughter's shoulder comfortingly. Gabriel was looking at Thea with...admiration?

As much as I wanted to kill him for looking at her for more than two seconds, I had to refrain myself, not wanting to cause a scene.

"So we are done with food." Maria spoke up, "now, how about we all go to the living room and chat a little?"

"Actually..." Antonio said, gathering the attention of everyone, "Arabella, Marissa, Blake, Alessio, Enzo, Lea, Paulo and I have planned to go to the game room. So you guys can have your little boring chat without us."

"Thea's joining us too." Enzo said to which Antonio nodded, "Yeah, she is. So, we'll just go."

"Be nice and take Flores with you." Ricardo said, shooting us a smirk. He knew we'd get annoyed with her that's why he was doing this. What an ass—

"No" I replied, shaking my head, "she won't be coming with us."

"No?" Flour repeated with a pout. "Why not? I promise I'll just watch!"

"No" Enzo firmly spoke, "she's not coming with us."

"Yep, she isn't coming." Blake shook his head.

"Boys" Ricardo's tone was now serious and strict, "she's going to the game room with you. We, adults need to have a talk while you, kids, are going to enjoy yourselves in the game room." He shot us a 'argue with me again and see what happens' look. I exchanged a glance at the others before nodding, "fine. Florida will come with us."

"Florida?" The bitch asked, "it's Flores."

"Alright, we'll leave." Enzo stood up making the others stand up too, "we're in the game room if you need anything."  We went to wash our hands before going to the game room with the kids also. Lea thought they could find something fun to do there.

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