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Alessio stormed towards Erik before punching him so hard that his head made contact with the wall behind him.

"You are so fucking dead!" He shouted at Erik who was holding his head and groaning in pain. Alessio knocked him out by smashing his head against the wall before turning to look at me.

He rushed towards me and removed the piece of cloth from my mouth then he untied me. As soon as he did, I hugged him, seeking comfort. He instantly wrapped his arms around me, embracing me.

"It's alright, princess...I'm here..." He said while caressing my hair. I felt safe with him. I trust him and I know he'd never hurt me. More tears fell from my eyes. Some were because of relief, some because of what just happened and some because of my confused self. I did feel something for Alessio. It was something strong yet I did not know what.

"He'll pay for this, I promise." He pulled me closer and hugged me tighter. "I should've gotten here sooner...I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?" I was quick to ask, "It's not your fault. I shouldn't have let him in. Thank you for being here."

"Always, princess." I felt a kiss on the top of my head before he slowly pulled away. He stared at me as he brought his hand to wipe the tears off my face. He brought his hand to my cheek where Erik slapped me.

"He slapped you?" Alessio questioned. It was evident that he was controlling his anger. "Not only did he touch you inappropriately, he also dared to hit you." He muttered, "clearly he has a death wish."

"Did he kiss you?" His eyes were fixed on my lips. I shook my head, "not on my lips but on my neck."

He clenched his jaw before placing his hand on the back of my head. He then pushed my head near his before kissing me passionately. I instantly kiased him back. After a while, he broke the kiss. "I'm going to take a bath..." I muttered, "I want to remove his bacteria on me." he chuckled at what I said before nodding, "I'll take him to the basement."

I nodded before entering the bathroom. Third bath of the day.

|Alessio's POV|

When I saw her lying on the bed, tied and almost naked, I felt something clicked inside of me.

I wanted to kill that man right there, on the spot but I couldn't. He needed to be tortured in the worst ways possible for what he did.

Vladimir ruled his mafia in a way. These men always thought women were beneath them. Vladimir and his men would treat women like slaves. Like I said, when I became the leader I changed their way of living. Some men changed, some didn't and I just saw the proof.

I dragged Erik in the basement, not caring whether his head was hitting the wall on our way there or not. I then carelessly and roughly threw him inside a cell before locking the door.

I turned to look at the man who was guarding his cell, "as soon as he regains consciousness, inform me."

"Yes, boss." He nodded as I walked away.

I went back to Thea's room. She was wearing different clothes and was sitting on her bed with her head lowered, staring at her hands on her lap. As I closed the door behind me, she turned around as if alerted. She smiled when she saw that it was me.

"What are you doing?" I walked towards her bed and took a seat next to her. She shrugged, "nothing" there was a moment of silence between us until she asked, "now that Luigi is here, who is controlling the Mexican mafia?"

"The underboss." I responded, "but they are looking for him."

"What will they do if they find out you're behind this?" She asked raising her brows in curiosity. I shrugged, "I don't know. If the underboss is smart, he'd know that he should and should not do."

"So you'll kill him?"

"Erik?" I asked before nodding to my own question, "absolutely. Once he regains consciousness, I'll kill him."

"You'll torture him until he dies." She said making me look at her, "yes. He deserves it for what he tried to do."

"I want to go on a mission now that I'm no longer in danger. I get bored.."

I did not want to send her on a mission. I don't know why but I did not want to. What if something happens to her?

"I'll let you know once there's one available." I then stood up, "for now, rest." I then left her room, without giving her the time to say anything else and closed the door behind me.

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