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"Is there something to eat? I'm starving!" Sean complained, searching in the fridge.

"No, there isn't." I replied, "the members eat like bloody pigs in here."

Sean laughed, "they do, don't they?" He then closed the door and grabbed a glass of water before walking to the sink. He filled it with water then turned around and started drinking it while staring at me.

"It's rude to stare" I frowned turning around. Sean chuckled, "sorry, it's just that your face…seems really familiar. Who are your parents?"

"My biological parents are dead." I replied, "and my adoptive parents too."

"Oh, I'm sorry." His tone sounded truly apologetic. I only nodded in response before going to the living room where the others were.

"Hey Thea!" Arabella greeted with a smile, "how old are you?"

"Twenty one." I replied, taking a seat next to my grandmother who flashed a sweet smile in my direction, "I haven't seen you for three days. How have you been?" Her eyes fell on my tattoed wrist, "this dragon is so beautiful. What does it mean?"

"It symbolizes power, strength, protection and wisdom. It's fearsome and warlike qualities makes it a wonderful ally or a fierce enemy." I repeated what Alessio told me the other day.

"He told you that?" Antonio asked at the same time as Blake did, "You asked him that?"

"I shouldn't have?" I knitted my brows in confusion. What was wrong with them?

"Don't mind them," Lea chuckled, "it's just that nobody who knows who he is dares to speak to him except us. They're scared of him."

"I don't know why they're scared of him." Nick spoke up, while playing with his sister's hand, "Ess is the best out there. He taught me half of the words I know and would always bring me gifts."

"Anyway, let's divide up the tasks shall we?" Arabella said, gaining the attention of everyone including myself.

"I'll take care of the cake." Elizabeth said, "Alessio loves chocolate cake. But I'll need help considering he likes it when I bake. I'll need to make a bigger cake. Maria? Jennifer? Think you two can help me?"

"Of course." Grandmother agreed with a smile, along with Maria who nodded. "Chocolate cake, it is."

"I'll take care of the decorations." Arabella said, "with Lea's and Thea's help. Your names are so…alike."

"For real" Lea mumbled while chuckling making me chuckle too.

"I'm in!" Lea said, looking at me, "you in too?" I nodded and she smiled.

I was only helping them since I've got nothing to do. It didn't mean that I was going to go to his birthday party or anything. Since I was basically free, I would go somewhere.

"Lea?" Sean asked making Lea look up at him, "Yes?"

"Can we talk?" He asked to which she nodded before standing up. She then followed Sean to a room.

I then felt someone tapping my shoulder. I turned my head and saw Nick grinning at me.

"What is it?" I asked with an amused voice.

"Chocolate." He replied, still grinning, "I saw you eating a chocolate when I came. Can I have one, please?"

I nodded before standing up, "wait right here." He smiled and sat on the couch, swinging his legs. That kid was cute.

I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge, taking out a packet of chocolate which I hid. There was only two when I saw them so I hid it. As a matter of fact I've ate chocolate only twice or thrice before. It sucks to be me, I know.

I grabbed the packet before walking back to the living room. Nick's eyes lit up on seeing me. He extended his hand, gesturing my to place the chocolate in his hand which I did.

"Thank you!" He smiled before unfoiling the packet. He then began eating it, dirtying his mouth and hands.

"Fuck, this is so good" he muttered making my eyes widen slightly. He was only five, wasn't he?

"Alessio taught him that." Enzo said, answering the question which I didn't ask. He chuckled, "he can't refrain himself around kids. That man swears too much. I'm sure you've noticed that."

Oh yes, I did.

Everytime he was like ; this is fucking great or for fuck's sake, or just fuck.

It was almost like he hadn't been taught any good word in his childhood.

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