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|Thea's POV|

"I think I might like you" he said making my eyes widen and my head snap in his direction.

He might like me? He likes me? What does that mean, he might? Is that a 'yes I like you' or a 'I don't know' Or maybe it's a 'I'm not sure whether I like you or not'?  I'm panicking here. My heart beat went from normal to abnormal real fast. 

Because I did like him. I mean, he's the only one who I truly had fun with willingly. If he hadn't kidnapped me then I would've never find out about my brother, nor save my grandmother nor would I have met Macy and his awesome family. I'm grateful to this guy. He also makes me feel safe and comfortable— sometimes shy, but comfortable.

"I like you too." I found myself admitting. A grin made it's way onto his face before he made his way towards me. Unlike earlier, I didn't back away, I stayed still.

"Really?" He asked with a certain glint in his eyes. I nodded, smiling, "yes."

"Do you want to become..." he scratched the back of his head nervously. It was the first time I was seeing him nervous. He was always so full of himself. "...my girlfriend?"

The question shocked me. I opened my mouth but no words got out. I was unable to speak. I blinked several times to make sure that all of this was actually happening. Turns out it was.

I've never had a boyfriend before.

"It's okay. I understand if you do not want to." He said, his shoulders falling slightly, disappointment and a hint of sadness clear in his tone.

"I do want to become your boyfriend." I said quickly not wanting him to think that I did not want. I was just shocked. I mentally slapped myself when I realized what I said. "I mean girlfriend. I do want to become your girlfriend." I rephrased and watched as he shot me a genuine smile.

"You're not joking right?"  He still had a smile present on his face. I shook my head, "I'm not."

He then walked towards me before pulling me in for a hug.  "That means that you're mine." He said, hugging me tighter. I nodded against his chest, "and you're mine."

He then broke the hug and stared right into my eyes. His hand slid around the back of my neck as he lowered his head to mine. He then crashed his lips on mine. At first, his lips were gentle, exquisitely careful, as if he feared bruising me. Then he coaxed me to give him more, his mouth settling more firmly on me.

One of my hand were playing with his hairs like always while the other one was automatically wrapped around his neck. His tongue made it's way inside my mouth as he tasted the interior of my mouth, stroking the slick insides of my cheeks.

I grabbed a bundle of his hairs and tightened it in my grasp. I could feel as if my body was on fire. He groaned into my mouth before parting away, giving me only a second to breathe. He then took my mouth in his again.

|Alessio's POV|

I did it.

I broke my rules for her.

I let her crash those walls I built just by asking one question. I couldn't care less. Fuck Liliana, she was a bitch who did not deserve me and she's dead.

Thea, on the other hand, deserves the whole fucking world. I love it when she plays with my hair when we kiss. She let out a moan making me kiss her even harder. She was turning me on—fuck this, I was already turned on.

Her hands moved to my chest, sliding under my shirt. I felt her palm against me making me even more hard than I already was. Her touch was like fire to my skin. I drew her earlobe into my mouth and earned yet another moan from her.  She wrapped her legs around me, pressing herself to my hard on as I carried her towards the bed. I placed her down softly with her legs still wrapped around me before trailing my tongue down her neck, leaving her breathless.

One of my hands found its way under her shirt. She whimpered when my hand made contact with her skin. She tightened her legs around me.

I needed to stop now or I won't be able to.

I placed a soft, lush kiss on the column of her neck before taking her mouth in mine again. After a few minutes, I broke the kiss and stood up. She frowned at me, "why'd you stop?"

"We both know you are not ready." I said as she stood up. She was flushed and she was breathing heavily. "You're not ready for what I've planned to do with you." I rephrased, "because when I start fucking you, I'm never going to stop."

I then placed a kiss on her forehead before leaving. I needed a cold shower, badly.

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