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|Thea's POV|

I was pacing around my room anxiously. Alessio has been gone for like an hour now.

What if Luigi and Andrey shot him dead? What if Andrey killed Elizabeth? Or both him and her?

What the fuck Thea? Stop thinking shit. They're going to be fine.

"Don't doubt Alessio. He's the best at what he does." Right, I forgot Macy was in the room too. I stoopped walking and stared at her, "I know that. But anything can happen anytime. He shouldn't be taking so long..."

"Awww" Macy cooed making my brows knitted in confusion, "What?"

She flashed me a toothy grin, "you are so cute! Look at you, being worried and all for the big bad boss." She chuckled to which I rolled my eyes. Her chuckle turned into a heavy laugh, "someone is missing her boyfriend. It's been only an hour since he's gone, girl. Relax."

"Stop," I muttered, "I'm not missing him. I'm just worried."

"Just worried, huh?" She wiggled her brows suggestively, "sure, sure. Whatever you say, honey."

"Macy!" Igor's voice rung in our ears making Macy roll her eyes, grumbling, "I can't get a fucking hour in peace without him calling my name." The door to my room was swung open and Igor stepped in, glaring at Macy, "what the fuck did you to to my shirt?"

"Oops" she muttered, before chuckling nervously, "funny story…" she was taking slow step backwards, away from Igor, "so here's what happened; I was there, in the room, like everyday, painting my nails..." She showed him her freshly red painted nails, "yeah, your favourite colour, see?"

Igor raised his brows at her, "Mace, what did you do?" Macy let out a groan, "let me finish, will you? I then wanted the perfume you hid behind your clothes in the cupboard so when I tried to take it—" she was cut off by Igor shaking his head, "no…no…don't tell me..."

"Yes," Macy nodded, biting her lip, "I'm sorry! I did not do it on purpose! I just explained how it happened to you. The nail polish stained your favourite shirt. It's not my fault. The shirt was in the way!"

Igor scoffed, "seriously? The shirt was in the way?" He clenched his jaw at Macy who frowned, "yes, indeed, it was."

"You'll be punished for what you did." He said seriously before adding with a smirk, "on bed, tonight. Wear the pair I bought you yesterday." He then shot me a smile before leaving, closing the door behind him.

He did not just…

I looked at Macy whose face was redder than I've ever seen before. Now it's my turn to tease her. I cleared my throat, "so, a new pair?"

Her face reddened even more, "shut up!"

"On bed, tonight. Don't forget." I flashed her a smirk. She scowled at me, "stop!" She was fighting a smile at the same time, "or when you and Alessio will have sex, I will tease you about it all day. We would not want that now, would we?"

"I will not tell you when we do it." I said seriously which made her laugh, "you are so funny, honey. I will just ask Alessio about it," she smirked, "he tends to get into details, you know?"

"Let's go for dinner. I am starving." I changed the subject,walking towards the door. I opened it and went downstairs with Macy following me. The other members were all present at the table for dinner too.

Everybody were talking and laughing. The moment Macy and I entered the place, all the chatters and laughter died down which confused me deeply. I glanced at Macy who shrugged in response, having the same confused expression like me on her face.

They all had their dinner in front of them but they were not eating. I took my seat next to Macy and we were served our dinner instantly. I picked up my fork and began to put the food in my mouth when I stopped right in my tracks, the fork inches away from my mouth. They all started eating. They were…waiting for me?

Macy blinked her eyes a few times, looking at me, "what the hell is going on?"

"I don't know" I muttered, putting the food in my mouth. I began chewing slowly all while watching the others eat with confusion clear on my face. They really were waiting for me. But why?

"If you guys don't mind me asking, why were you not eating? And why did you start eating only after Thea?" Macy asked calmly. The members shared a look before smiling at me which was really weird. They never smiled at me before.

"You're boss's girlfriend." One of them, a man with brown hairs replied, "you're our lady boss. You are to be respected, loved and protected."

I swallowed the food before asking, "Who said that?"

"Boss did," a woman replied with a friendly smile, "earlier today. When you two shared this…kiss in front of everyone, we already guessed what was happened because he never kissed anyone in front of anyone before."

I felt blood rushing to my cheeks at her words. I looked down at my food, knowing that everyone on the table were staring at me.  He told everyone to respect me…that's...that's really nice of him.

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