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|Thea's POV|

"Get in" Alessio said, pointing to his car. I opened the door and got inside while he went to the driver's seat.

"Wear your seatbelt." He said, rolling his eyes as if he was talking to a child. I did like I was told. He then started the car.

He was driving at the highest speed, not caring about the warnings on the road. "Slow down!" I gripped my seatbelt, scared that he might just get into an accident. He was driving like a maniac.

He ignored me and continued to drive his way. "You wanna get us both killed?"

"Relax, you won't die. Stop being so overdramatic." He said in an annoyed tone.

"How do you know we won't? Anything can happen anytime." I muttered making him scoff, "let's place a bet on it, shall we? You'll give me five hundred dollars if you are still alive when reach and I'll give you five hundred dollars if you die."

"But I'll be dead" I rolled my eyes, "the money won't be of any use."

"We'll use it to decorate your casket."


He glanced at me, clenching his jaw, "What did I say about—"

"I know, I know" I cut him off, and mimicked his voice, "Talk to me with respect, princess."

"Do you have a death wish?" He asked, "you are so bad at this."

"I know. You could add 'off' in your last name, making it Romanoff, more russian-ish. Because Romano is Italian and you're a Russian mafia boss...which is weird."

"Romanoff, like Black widow?" He asked with an amused tone to which I hummed in response, "Yep. How did you become the Russian mafia leader?"

"Curious, are we?" He smirked as I shrugged, "it intrigues me."

"Knowing how I got the position intrigues you?" He asked to which I nodded, "it does. I mean, I've never heard of an Italian leading Russians. And I don't understand how Vladimir just...handed over his entire empire to you."

"He didn't hand them over" Alessio snorted, "I took them from him."

"You killed him?"

"I tortured him" he corrected, "my sister killed him."

"The Deadly?"

"You know about that too..." he breathed out, "what else do you know, princess?"

"Things" I replied with a shrug, "there's too much to list. I spent years to find things on you."

"You spent years doing research on me?" He chuckled, "cute"

He chuckled...people. This time it wasn't humourless, it was filled with humour.

"Wow the great psycho laughs" I muttered sarcastically.

"I did not laugh" he said, his eyes going to the rearview mirror every now and then. He then turned the steering wheel and accelerated the car even more. He again glanced at the rearview mirror and muttered something under his breath which I couldn't understand.

"We're being followed."

"What?" I was about to turn my head around only to be stopped by his hand who turned my head back to the front, "Don't turn around. Pretend like you didn't see them."

"Okay" I muttered and stared in front. He took out his phone and called someone. Without giving the person time to speak, he spoke, "I've got three cars following me. Take them down."

"Right away, boss." The person replied and he disconnected the call. He then turned into another road, the three cars behind us followed. He turned into another road but applied the brakes instantly when he saw two other cars in front of him.

We were trapped.

He looked at me, "hold on your seatbelt tight, princess." I didn't even bother to question, I gripped my seatbelt even tighter than before.

"You ready?" He asked to which I nodded, "do whatever you're about to." He then applied his foot on the accelerator and sped right into the two cars in front of us.

My eyes widened when I realized what he was about to do. But instead of crashing into the two cars, they instantly got out of the way, allowing us to pass through.

I exhaled in relief, "What if they hadn't move? We'd be probably dead!"

"Probably," he repeated, nodding his head but said nothing else.

"You're insane." I muttered and saw him roll his eyes from the corner of my eyes before saying in an almost inaudible voice, "I know."

His phone then beeped with a message. He read the message and placed his phone back in his pocket without bothering to reply.

After a few minutes, he pulled the car to a stop. We were yards away from my grandmother's home. His reached reached out to the backseat and he removed a bag. He opened the bag, revealing a sniper, a laptop, bombs and other guns inside.

He took the laptop, closed the bag before shoving it on the backseat. He placed the laptop on his lap and opened it then typed something.

Seconds later, I could see my grandmother on the screen. He hacked into the CCTV footage of her house so easily.

"Why didn't you send your men to do this job?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I don't trust these fuckers" he replied, his eyes fixed on the screen and hos fingers on the touch pad. "They be fucking things up and apologize for it."  He did something else and the whole footage became blue and white.

He then zoomed in on the red dot which was clear on my grandmother's head. She was making tea. She had no idea that she was being targetted.

Alessio followed the line of the dot and frowned when he couldn't follow it completely since it was out of the house. He then hacked into the CCTV footage outside and continued following the line with his eyes. We spotted the man on the rooftop of the neighbor's home.

"What kind of people doesn't know that there's a sniper on their fucking house?" He muttered, annoyed. His hands reached out the back, he grabbed the bag and opened it before taking out his own gun.

"Go be a distraction, princess."

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