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|Thea's POV|

"She even dared to touch my dick through my pants! I felt violated!" Eden said before he started laughing making us laugh too. He was telling us how a girl in his class had a crush on him despite knowing he was gay.

"I bathed countless times that day," Eden added, "I felt so weird—" he was cut off by Ben, "alright, we got it."

"Aww," Eden cooed, "is someone feeling a little Jealous?" He brought his hands up to Ben's cheeks before squeezing them, "you're so cute, babe. You don't have to be jealous. You were my first and will be my last." Ben smiled down at him before pulling him for a kiss.

"What about you, Thea?" Marissa asked, bringing all the attention on me. I knitted my brows in confusion, "what about me?"

"Who was your first?" Arabella asked with a suggestive smirk, "was it Alessio?" The question I've been dreading. What was I going to tell them?

"No," I shook my head and let out a forced chuckle, "it was someone from my school. I was seventeen. I kind of had a crush on him."

"Does he have a name?" Macy asked to which I shook my head before replying sarcastically, "no, his parents forgot to name him."

Macy rolled her eyes, "what was his name?"

"Jack," I blurted out the first name I could think of. "What about you, Mace?" I removed their attention from me, "who was it?"

She blushed deeply before replying, "his name was Carter and he was the football captain in my school. I was sixteen." She then looked at Marissa, "what about you? Blake?" Marissa nodded, blushing, "yes."

"What about you, Arabella?" Eden asked, raising his brows at Arabella who smirked before replying, "whatever I'm about to tell you guys don't leave this place understood?" We all nodded our heads before she took a deep breath, "alright, so, his name was Chris. I actually had a threesome. There was him, Brian and I."

"You…" Macy pointed to her, "had a threesome? How old were you?"

"Eighteen," she replied, "I was drunk, we all were." Just like that, everyone began talking about their sex life with their boyfriends or husband, in Arabella's case. I didn't say anything. I just listened to them and now and then would answer the questions they'd throw at me.

After around twenty minutes later, we were all on my bed in my room in the mansion with a horror movie playing on the TV. Ben and Eden were cuddling and kissing at every occasion they'd get.

|Alessio's POV|

"Come on now, Luigi, don't play hide and seek with daddy," I entered the cottage-like mansion. There were bodies everywhere. They were not expecting our attack so they were not prepared. They could not fight back, they did not even get the time to even grab their weapons when they were shot dead.

The living room was filled with dead bodies and blood was spilled everywhere; on the wallls, furnitures, couch, carpet and other places.

And like I expected, Luigi walked from behind a wall with three men dressed in black suits behind him. I tilted my head to the side and smirked at him, "hey darling. How are you today?"

"Fuck you!" He spat, not moving from where he was standing, "look what you did!"

"Hey! I'm not the only one to be blamed," I frowned, pointing at Sean, Enzo and Lea, "they are too."

"But you're the one who had an enmity with me. You destroyed my mafia! My men are dead!" He shouted, "those who are alive ran away!"

"Cowards, aren't they?" I asked, shaking my head while shooting him a fake sympathetic look. "So, you gonna come with us willingly or do we have to drag you forcefully?"

He shook his head before shooting a smirk in our direction, "I've got one last trick upto my sleeve, you motherfuckers!" And Just like that, he disappeared, leaving white thick fumes behind him.

Just kidding—

The three men behind him took out their gun but instead of shooting at us, they shot at the big chandelier hanging on the ceiling just above our heads. The chandelier began breaking, all the hanging glasses, decorations started falling one by one.

"Fuck!" Sean cursed just as he and everyone else as well as I, got away from the chandelier which came crashing down. Two of our men were hit but thankfully, they weren't severely injured.

"This sucks," Enzo groaned as he helped Lea stand up. I stood up and dusted off my clothes.

"Boss?" Igor called out making me look at him, "what?"

"Luigi's gone," he replied, "the whole chandelier thing was a distraction."

Just then we heard the sound of a helicopter going off. Fuck.

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