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Alessio had a hand on my waist while one of my hand was wrapped around his neck and my other hand was holding his other hand as we danced to the music.

"What are you going to do to the man?" I asked out of curiousity.

"I'm going to kill him in the worst ways possible," he replied with a serious tone, "because he kissed you."

I let out a chuckle, shaking my head at his words, "you're going to kill him just because he kissed me?"

He nodded seriously, "yeah."

"You need a therapist," I joked which made him smirk, "you're my therapist and your love is my therapy, princess."

"Since when did you become so...poetic?"

He shrugged, "I don't know." He then twirled me around before holding me again, "I love you."

"I love you too," I smiled as he placed a kiss on my forehead just as the music ended.

"Angel!" Nick chirped as he made his way towards me with his parents and the others.

"Hi!" I smiled at him. He flashed me a grin before raising his hand, wanting for me to lifted him which I did. He then placed a kiss on my cheeks before saying, "you look beautiful!"

"Thank you, big boy. You look handsome."  He smirked at what I said before thanking me, "thanks, bestie."

"Ugh," Antonio groaned, "I've been trying to become his best friend for years now. He's known you for months." He rolled his eyes at Nick, "This is not fair bro, not fair."

"You look so pretty!" Lea complemented with a smile. I thanked her before complimenting her back. She was looking perfect with her black strapless gown.

We all took a seat at the big table and focused on the stage where Maria was standing with a mic in her hand, "Hello Ladies and gentlemen. I want to thank you all for coming here and grace us with your presence today."

Everybody clapped at her words.

"Let the bidding start, shall we?" She asked as the curtains behind her were drawn, revealing several jewellery sets. They looked extremely expensive.

"These jewelleries are unique. You will not find others like this anywhere else. They were made of diamonds, silver, rubies, you name it." Maria said as I stared at the jewelleries in awe.  However, it was one bracelet that caught my eye. It was absolutely beautiful. It was surrounded by diamonds and had a gold contour around it.

"Which one do you want?" Alessio asked making me snap my head in his direction, "what?"

"I asked, which one do you want?" He repeated before adding, "I'll buy it for you. It does not matter you want them all. It's not going to be a problem."

"I don't want any of them," I quickly said, "they're not that beautiful." He furrowed his brows, "are you sure?" I nodded, "yeah, don't worry about it."

Maria started with a necklace. It was beautiful but I didn't like it. The bidding started at thirty three million dollars. People were going crazy over the necklace. After bidding several items, she finally reached on the bracelet.

"Bidding starts at three million!" She announced and I watched as the crowd went crazy again. The highest price was twenty seven million.

"Twenty seven, one...twenty seven two, twenty seven thr—" Maria was cut off by Alessio, "thirty million."

Maria went silent. She stared at Alessio and blinked her eyes at him as did everyone else.

"What are you doing?" I whispered to which he shrugged. Maria then cleared her throat before speaking, "thirty million, one, thirty million t—" again, she was cut off but this time by the man who was ready to pay twenty seven million for it. "Thirty two million!"

"Thirty three!" Alessio said before shooting the man a glare. The man rolled his eyes before shouting, "thirty four!"

"Thirty five!"

"Thirty six!"

"Thirty seven!" Alessio shouted as I whispered to him, "why are you wasting your money on that? Stop it..."

"Thirty eight!" The man announced again.

It was like Alessio did not hear what I said when he shouted, "forty!" And the crowd went completely silent. The man wasn't even arguing anymore. Maria took a deep breath before saying, "forty million, one, forty million two, forty million three! Sold to Alessio Romano!"

"Why did you do that?" I asked. He shot me a smirk before replying, "I've seen you look at the bracelet. You clearly wanted it. Wait right here." He then stood up and walked away. Minutes later, he came back holding the bracelet in his hands.

He then held my hand before putting the bracelet on it. He smiled, "it fits perfectly."

It really did. "Thank you," I lunged at him, hugging him as tight as I could, not caring that I might choke him. He hugged me back, "I'd do anything and everything for you, princess. Just say the word."

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